Leader-Tribune from Marion, Indiana (2024)

-r A (R-Wis), who has charged that the CIA has been infiltrated by Communists. If Dulles' position is that such an Inquiry carries the danger of revealing methods of operation, disclosing identities of secret agents, and drying up the exchange of intelligence with our. Allies. Allied their sources have let Dulles know they are concerned over the possibility papers of such an inquiry. now Dulles has told.

friends: "I don't a As for Communists in the CIA, with know of any Communists in the his CIA. If I 1 did, I'd kick them out. I 1 is have the power to do it and I don't have to have proof they work also for the Kremlin. The fact that a anti- man is a Communist be to Office. But though opposed to a McCarname thy inquiry, Dulles has, said he will welcome an inquiry to be conductIn cd.

by Gen, Mark W. Clark, now mis- president of The Citadel at Charlesthe ton, S.C. Clark was named by fordocu- mer President Hoover to study while whether CIA's operating procehe dures can be improved. Clark has said that in' the type, of study he of plans, he should uncover subversives it there are any. He starts work this month and hopes turned to have a report completed by Jan.

set 1. His Inquiry will be the six Hoover Commission's study, on organization of the executive branch of government. New Sen. Mike Mansfield (D- Mont) ger has introduced a resolution calling back for supervision of CIA by a joint congressional committee operating study in much the same way as' the Roscoe Joint Congressional Atomic Energy di- Committee -the watchdog of the Dulles energy' program. Another 50 proposal would subject the agency and to periodic checks by, a commission named' by the President.

rec- Dulles has not taken public isSmith sue. with these propositions but he October has said Congress has an adequate York check on CIA through the approway: priations priations committees. put "How good is As good. as again was pionage?" There is no accurate measure. the British and, Russians in in But Dulles is convinced that American intelligence is far beyond the "rookie" stage and has climbed fast in the past 10 years to a high degree of his Would lit be an easy matter for infor- an enemy agent to worm his way the into CIA headquarters to spy world.

from inside? this CIA sources insist their agency's safeguards are as foolproof as men report and 'science can make them. flashed Out of every 1,000 applicants for at inbs with CIA, only, about 80 get through the rigid security checks. Then The great majority are weeded out Georgi because they don't have the edupull- cation or personality for the work; they have doubtful backgrounds or likely associates: they talk or drink too much; or for one reason or another Red they are doubtful security risks. it to Those who get jobs in sensitive United areas must survive a full field ineven vestigation by the FBI and in some of cases another investigation by the rev- CIA's own security force. On a voluntary basis applicants of undergo a flic detector The agents reports.

the CIA lie people say when can used give properly detector the leads-but the tests what are not regarded as conclusive. troop Hi Once in the CIA, the employe is the under a "constant check by the ship- CIA's own security people. Here are some other examples of security: sifted a CIA employe is Injured in an files accident, the agencyiis notified and and security agent Hi: rushes to the White or under mine influence of drugs dis- scene. A who is unconscious Russia might let slip a vital secret. would Wherever possible, CIA-ap.

revo- proved doctors administer anesthetics, operations and where the immunization shots. reosti- quired for those going overseas. and precautions are for ill the protection of the agents as well as the CIA. Har- In CIA headquarters, every of scrap of paper, carbon paper and 1950 even typewriter ribbons are burned Mac- daily and those who handle this chore are under surveillance. Pearl During the 1952 presidential camKore- paign, former CIA chief Gen.

Waltou (Beedle) Smith -now under available secretary of state--created somecalled thing of a' sensation when he, told a congressional committee, bewould live there are Communists in my own organization (the has Smith later explained that he tech- knew of no in the CIA tragic but that it would be foolish to job sume there were none. Dulles, too, is aware that CIA is a prime tar1947 get for Red infiltration attempts. it Until 1947, the United States had in- nothing that. could be called a na'national tional and central intelligence ap- organization. in- Army, Navy, Air Force.

govern- State Department, and FBI all maintained their own overseas inthe telligence units. Each looked on its resources intelligence effort from a viewForce, point shaped by the organizations Energy own special needs. Joint 4 World War lI revealed the agonis izing need for central intelligence in 38 source. The Office a of Strategic de- Services (OSS) was organized unBrig. Gen.

William (Wild Bill) are Donovan but it: was primarily the' an espionage, sabotage and counEstimates terespionage outfit.1 above During World War II, Donovan urged the creation of central the agency. At home, the United States two had the FBI on which it could Add depend for internal security. But United there was no similar security agenthe cy operating overseas. This vacuum has been filled by multi- the CIA -and in choosing Allen Dulles CIA chief, President work-. Eisenhower named a man who spent.

proved himself in World War IT CIA's to be one of the best intelligence of agents this country has produced. and Dulles was -born in Watertown, of N.Y.. April 7. 1893. His father was the Rev.

Allen Macy Dulles, Bureau, Presbyterian minister, who moved know from parsonage to parsonage in upstate New York while exposing chief his five children to the induence protecting of books, the church, missionaries methods from far places, and visiting forSo eign: students. "un- Allen Dulles was 8 Phi Beta any Kappa at Princeton and for a year he taught in, a church mission to school at Allahabad, India. Then getting in 1916 after getting his master's degree at Princeton at 23, he enin tered the diplomatic service. Durand ing World War he was in Switzone erland. He told a visitor later: op- "That's when I learned what of valuable place Switzerland was for McCarthy information--and when I became 1 I 5 Allen Welsh Dulles Heads Sprawling, Shadowy Agency Matching Wits With Reds WASHINGTON In the back- bloody purge among the plotters.

ground of almost every major, for- Gisevius used the phony eign policy decision these to escape to Switzerland and days by the Eisenhower adminis- reunion with Dulles, who by tration "there is the figure of a had formed H- a fast friendship man who may well be called the big German known to America's "master spy." friends as "Tiny." Gisevius now directs a sprawling and shad- living in Dallas, Tex. ow government agency whose During this intrigue, Dulles lines of espionage and information was in touch another spread around the world and pen- Hitler German who had access etrate even the Iron Cur- secrets of the Nazi Foreign tain In the desperate and often This man was given the code dangerous game of matching wits of "George Wood." I-: 11 with the Communists. The esti- "Wood" came to see Dulles mates of the world situation which Switzerland while on a courier come from Lis office are vitally sion-and from this important in administration policy German poured 2,600 secret planning. ments into Dulles' hands Few people know how and where risking death with every move: he spends hundreds of millions of made. to outwit the Gestapo.

dollars- or in Few fact know how who much he his From Wood, Dulles learned dors spend. how they operate. the secret Nazi rocket experiments agents are handful or 'of top government being conducted at PrenemundeOnly and Allied planes were officials have estimates access on to his Communist reports loose to batter bathe site. They' and moves probable plans. the program perhaps by And yet and the very survival of the vital months.

free world could one day depend After the war, Dulles returned on how well this man and col- to his private law practice in and leagues gauge capabilities-and Russia's intentions the York background but his soon cloak-and-d pulled him' reactions diplomatic and mili- to Washington. tiry moves: Ile was in 1948 called In while to direct Adm. a Ho is Allen Welsh Dulles, 61, of CIA chief of the U. S. whose Central operations Intel- rector Hillenkoetter was the chief.

first The CIA are snore hush-hush in many ways group recommended more than ligence Agency, than those of the Atomic Energy changes in structure Commission. His official title is di- operations. rector of central. intelligence. Little was done about these Dulles is lanky, 190-pound, ommendations until Gen.

plpe-smoking lawyer with gray was He named called CIA Dulles director in in New hair a bristling and a 1950, strong resemblance to his older' and said, that in his usual blunt of (by State John years), Dulles. He damn report, it's up to you brother, Secretary "Now you've written to has a quick laugh and a fun-loving it into effect." twinkle in his eye that John Fos- So in January 1951, Dulles ter: doesn't have. In his slightly put aside his law practice. He more rumpled like a scholarly headmaster August 1951, and then succeeded business suits, he looks named deputy a CIA director than, the expert in cloak-and-dag- Smith in the top in January ger affairs that he is. 1953.

But Allen Dulles is a man who It is this sort of atmosphere In life was intrigued with which "Dulles and many of Intrigue. Now he's in the middle agents must work to gather of the greatest peacetime spying mation for the sccurity. of contest the world p-rhaps ever has United States and the free How does the CIA fit into The deadly drama 'of the game grim In which he is engaged was vividly Back 'in 1953, the illustrated only recently when Dr. of Joseph the wires Stalin's to death" curity chiet known as "the man the CIA headquarters at 2430 John--the West German SC over a teletype, with A thousand secrets" -van- N. when Washington.

ished into Red-held East Ger- the world knew that fat many. A few days later an Amer-1 Malenkoy was now the man Iran counter- employe ing the strings in the Kremlin-or who was a close friend of John's at least he was the most killed himself in his Berlin quart string-puller. ers. What did the change. In the John's disappearance aroused high.

command mcan? Was fears among the Western Allies be war or peace? Should the that the Reds may be able through States expect Rissian moves John 1 to damage the Allies' spy more aggressive than those network Germany and the Stalin? Was there a chance. of sAtellite states. Certainly he has olution Russia? the knowledge--if he, talks--to The time had come for one bring death and suffering to many CIA's emergency "crash" anti-Communist espionage agents. Dulles sent orders to pi CIA Official sources in West Germany and undercover men around insist John was lured into the East world asking' information on" perhaps under the influence of to expect, "on drugs. But the Reds claim he movements, morale behind crossed over willingly "to work Iron Curtain purges, arms for and the West.

German ments and the like. The answers press almost solidly agreed John, poured acted voluntarily. Dulles and his colleagues In any event, the uproar brings through' the reports, studied to the surface the intensity of the of information about Malenkoy. undercover spy struggle spurred those around him. Finally they by Russia's own world-wide espi- patched a messenger to the onage.

activities, the deadly threat House with the estimate: of atomic attack, and Red aggres- wasn't ready for war, and it sions. .1 be a mistake" for expect a During his tour of duty in the lution. State Department, became isn't difficult to sce, close friends with Donovan, then faulty intelligence or a wrong an assistant attorney general. Aft- mate on enemy intentions er. Donovan became of the capabilities could lead to diplomatset up a European espionage head- itary tragedies such as top Pearl OSS, he urged! Dulles to" join and ic and even new quarters in Berne, Switzerland.

bor and the surprise invasion In November 1912, he. crossed North Korea by the Chinese the border into' Switzerland just as which smashed Gen. Douglas the Allied invasion was getting Arthur's offensive. a under way in North Africa. lie was But at the time of the the last American to enter Switzer- Harbor attack and the North land legally from German- occupied gother invasion, all the no one information had pulled France before the border was closed.

and produced what could be Dulles' first assignment was: a national intelligence estimate! Find out who In Germany was Perhaps if they had, history, it these people were working to Dulles today is confident he opposed to the Hitler regime and be different overthrow Nazi government. developed the machinery and It wasn't long until his sources niques to avoid any such had arranged for him to meet a failures in the future. It's his! German underground agent. In to see they don't happen again. hotel room in Berne, he finally The National Security Act of faced Hans Bernd Gisevius, Ger- which created the CIA, says man vice: consul at Zurich and a must "correlate and evaluate member of the German secret intelligence relating to the telligence service, the Abwehr security, and provide for the The man Dulles saw was a 6-foot epropriate dissemination of such' German with an impassive face telligence within the and a suspicion his 'eyes to I ment.

8 match that. in Dulles'. A friend To do this job, Dulles has said later: 4 Those two almost help of the intelligence circled each other like strange of the Army, Navy," Air dogs, not knowing whether they State Department, Atomic could trust each Commission, FBI, and But Giscvius was a genuine anti- Chiefs of Staff. In addition there Nazi. Ile and others like him, in- his own organization housed some of Germany's top buildings in Washington and leaders, were convinced ployed around the world.

Hitler had to be destroyed or Guesses on how many people Germany would be destroyed. The employed by CIA range all anti-Hitler plot had been in prog. from 3.000 to 30,000. ress since 1038. spending range up to and Gisevius was sent to Switzer.

500 million dollars a year. land by Maj. Gen. Hans Oster, U.S. experts have figured chief aide to Adm.

Canaris, who Russians are spending about 'was head of the Abwehr and one billion a year' on of the plotters, all the millions spent by the From Gisevius, Dulles learned States, Britain, France, and there was in fact a German under. other nations and it is apparent ground and that its members were espionage has become 3 actively planning to kill Hitler. The billion dollar business. leaders included Canaris, Oster, But the number people Gisevlus and others. ing for CIA and the money 'Gisevius wanted Dulles' help in is a guarded secret.

The getting suport from Washington for budgetiis hidden in the budgets a new anti-Nazi regime should the other government departments plot against liter suecred. Dulles agencies. Only a few members tried vainly. the congressional. appropriations Nevertheless, the plotting went committees, the Budget on.

It was climaxed on July 20, and top government officials 1944, when a bomb exploded only the exact totals. six fect from. Hitler in his east The law says the CIA Prussian headquarters but the "sball be responsible for stout leg of a table deflected most intelligence sources and of the blast and Hitler lived to or- from unauthorized disclosure." der a bloody! purge of the con- far as Dulles is concerned, an spirators. authorized 'disclosure' means Gisevius was in Germany at the disclosure, even to a congressional and was among those marked committee, which might lead death. He went Into hiding but publicity which would risk managed get word to.

Dulles. information into hostile hands. went Into action. Congress has not been noted Experts In. London forged iden- the past for keeping secrets titication papers giving Dulles' colleagues say this is 'the name, "Dr.

Hoffmann." The reason why he has violently papers, were place even smuggled while to him Hitler's in CIA posed by a Sen. proposed Joseph R. Investigation By DON WHITEHEAD killers were carrying out Old Folks Day Slated At Park Today Older residents of this area will be honored during the annual observance of Old Folks Day at Matter Park on Aug. 18. The event is sponsored each year by the Marion Lions Club.

Included in the day's activities will be speeches, musical entertainment and the presentation the Colors by Marion Boy Scouts. Dr. Evan Bergwall will deliver the main address during the afternoon session in the park shell. Registration will begin at 9 a.m. and a "class day" religious se3sion, directed by the Rev.

R. Miller, will start at 10 a.m. Official opening of the event will be marked with a salute to flag and the invocation by Revi Miller at 1:30 p.m. This will followed by presentation of the Colors and the singing of a patriotic hymn. Cliff Payne, president 'of Lions Club, will present a spcech of welcome.

Entertainment, including music by the Townsmen's Quartet and the Novelty Musical Group the direction by magician Henry Miller, will folWayne Stroup, and an appearance low. The annual event was started than 50 years ago by the Grant County Historical Society and was taken over by the Lions Club in 1927. A Harold Knudsen, program chairman, said last night that many the persons who will attend event will bring along a picnic lunch. of To Install New Officials New officers of the Marion lodge of the Knights of Columbus will be installed during ceremony at 8:30 p.m: Monday at the club headquarters. Earl Lester, Wabash, district deputy grand knight, will be the installing officer, Sam Coniglio (is the retiring grand knight.

New officers include the Very Rev. John A. McCarthy, chaplain; Severio 'grand knight; Harley T. Null, deputy grand knight; Norman J. Jelske, chancellor; Wilbur E.

Williams, financial secretary: Albert Valasquez, recorder; J. McDonald, warden; Thomas E. Cisneros, treasurer; John A. Collins, lecturer; Thomas J. Mitchell, advocate; William L.

Yohler, inside guard; Tho mas W. Doyle, outside guard; Cornell Bailey, Leo 1. Gorman and Coniglio, trustees; Refreshments will be the served installa. 1m- mediately following tion and business mecting. Edgar Johnson Last Rites Set UPLAND Funeral services will be" held here at the Methodist Church Monday at 2 p.m.

for Edgar N. Johnson, co, who succumbed Friday at the St. Joseph's Hospital in Fort Wayne. He had been in ill health some time, Burial will be in the Jefferson Cemetery here. Mr.

Johnson had lived the last two years in Huntington after spending most of his life, around Gaston. He was a farmer and was married in 1916 to Mary. McCarthy. Survivors include. the widow.

three daughters, Mrs. Florence Sparks, Van Buren; Mrs. Lucile Lease, Fremont, Mrs. MargarNeedler, Gaston; three sons, Dalton, Marion: Ronald and Eldon, both of Gaston; three sisters, Hazel Wiley, Kenmore, N. Mrs.

Goldie Cox, Dunkirk; Mrs. Elizabeth Jackson, Marion; five brothers, Earl, Dunkirk; Ernest, Tampa, Oklahoma City, Oklahoma: Wilferd, Oak, Arthur, Wadsworth, and 11 grandchildren. The body will "remain at the funeral home on North Main Street until time for services. Converse CONVERSE-The second annual Lawshe reunion was held, at the Somerset Park recently. A picnic dinner was served at noon after which a short business session was held.

Officers elected for the coming year were J. E. Lawshe, president, and Mrs. Lester Nelson, secretary-treasurer. Those present Mr.

and Mrs. J. E. Lawshe, Leesburg; Mr. and Mrs.

Wilson Lawshe, Warsaw; Miss Dorathea Lawshe, Avilla; Mrs. Zadie Zook, Mr. and Mrs. Reno Tibbets and son, Merrill; Mrs. Gale Mughmaw and sons, Mr.

and Mrs. Rex Tibbets and children, Mr. and Mrs. Max Tibbets and daughter, Mr. and Mrs.

L. L. Heeter and children, Agness and Raymond; and Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Gribben and daughter, all of Converse, Mr.

and Mrs. Lester Nelson, Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Wise Mr. and Mrs.

O. K. Grindle, all of Marion; Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Heeter and daughter, Kokomo; Mrs.

Mabel Macy, Mrs. Marie Huffman, Somerset; Mr. and Mrs. Donald Shaw and children, Amboy; Mr. and Mrs.

Robert Sutton and children, Mr. and Mrs. Emil Smith, Santa Fe: Mrs. Ronald Poor and Mr. and Mrs.

Dale Miller and children, Peru. The next re union will be held the first Sunday in August at the same place. interested in Intelligence work." In 1922, he became chief of the State Department's Division of Near Eastern Affairs--two ycars after be had married Clover Todd, whose father was then a professor at Columbia University. They have to daughters, and a son, Allen severly wounded lighting as Marine in Korea. In his spare time, Dulles studied law at George Washington University here and got his law degree in 1926.

He left the State Department that year to improve his personal finances, Joining the law firm of Sullivan and Cromwell In New York. INDIANA: Sunday fair except for some cloudiness and a few local showers southwest. High 78-84. UPPER MICHIGAN: Sunday far: partly cloudy west. Few local showers west.

Little change in temperature. ILLINOIS: Sunday partly cloudy to cloudy. Some local showers west and south: High 78-84. IOWA: Sunday partly cloudy, local showers east and warmer west. High 76-82.

WISCONSIN: Sunday partly cloudy to cloudy, some local showoffers west 'and north, High 76-82. MINNESOTA: Sunday partly cloudy, a few local showers east. Somewhat warmer west. High 75- 82. NORTH DAKOTA: Sunday partly cloudy with widely scattered late afternoon thundershowers.

Slightly warmer. High 75-82. SOUTH DAKOTA: Sunday partly cloudy, widely scattered late afternoon thundershowers. southeast. High 75-82.

MARRIAGE LICENSES William HI. Crow. 1898, Eaton and Esther Stout. 1899, Eaton. Ronald L.

Eib, 1935, Marion and Glenna M. Cook, 1937, Marion. Charles Shear 1934, factory, Marion, and Mary Margaret Dollar, 1935; Marion. Jason V. Klain, 1912, merchant, Marion, and Annette Fox, 1922, Marion.

Robert' Leo Chapman, 1934, borer, Roll, and Dorls Jean Pitmaester H. Eaton. Jeffries, 1935, laborer, Summitville, and Doria M. Thompson, 1938, Marion. Chester Chapin, 1917; bartender, Marion, and Ethelyn R.

Ramey, 1914, Marion. 7 Weather ANNOUNCEMENTS, Card of Thanks ELTZROTH, Frances- -We wish to thank Rev. William Simpson and many friends and. neighbors for flowers and kind assistance and Foster Forbes Glass Local 38 and 201 and many other organizations that sent flowers to Funeral Home to the Pallbearers and to the girls that furnished the music. Arnaldo Eltzroth and Family.

In LEMONS loving memory of our son, Charles R. Lemons, who passed away two years ago Aug. 8, 1952. 1 A happy home we once enjoyed How sweet the memory still, But death has left loncliness This world can never fAl. The day's bring back memories Of our loved "one laid to rest, And those who think of him today Are the ones who loved him best.

Though his smiles are gone for: ever And his hands we cannot touch, We shall never lose sweet' momories 1 Of the one we loved so much. God is good, He gave us strength to our heavy cross, He is the only one who knows how bitter was our Wei miss you 8 way, thousand times, along our weary For fi life is not the same to us since you were called away. You left behind hearts; that loved you most sincere. That never has and never can, forget you, Charles dear. 147 A silent thought, a secret tear, memory, always dear, Time takes away the edge of grief, But memory turns back every leaf.

Sadly missed by father, mother, brothers and sisters, "Louise and baby. 1. Funeral Directors MILFORD FUNERAL HOME Sincere Service Fair Prices 710 W. 3rd St. Phone NO 2-2468 in NEEDHAM AND SON We Appreciate Your Confidence 814 S.

Adams St. Phone 1552-W RAVEN FUNERAL, HOME "'The HOME Services" 911 S. Washington Phone 1480 Worthy of a Sacred Trust DIGGS FUNERAL Service, Inc. 503 W. Third St.

Ph. NOrth 2-2503 Serving As We Would Be Served OWEN MORTUARY 2722 S. Washington Phone 1877 SHAWLEY MEMORIAL CHAPEL Established in: 1883 2901 S. Washington. Phone 120 Monuments and Cemetery Lots MARKERS--MONUMENTS We Give Holden Red Stamps BRANDON MONUMENT CO.

45th Harmon Phone 3008 Personal APPLY Invisible Roach Filmz with brush. Kills ants and roaches like "nobody's business." Freel Mason. CAFETERIA chicken supper, at LaFontaine Christian Church, Thursday, August 12, 5:30 till sold out. ALCOHOLICS ANONYMOUS P. 0.

Box 721 Marion BATHS Massage AL ReducingRelaxation EARL MICKEL, Masseur, 212 W. 20th Phone 414 NOTICE SENIORS Get your cords: painted now. Ph. NO2-7775 THESE ARE THE NAMES Picked at random from the telephone directory, for free dry cleaning certificates: Phylliss Andrews, J. Barney, Mary Ellen Cox, Joyce M.

Davidson, Bernard Eirenberg, Lloyd Finch, Donald Grant, Galen Hanley, Veda James, Eugene Lacey. FASHION CLEANERS RUMMAGE -Women's and. teen age clothing, some furniture. All week, '508 W. 2nd.

Officials To Protest New Move of Trooper BRAZIL, Ind. (UP) -Fred Neal, state police trooper who was 1C- assigned to Clay County, was notified Saturday he will be transferred to South Bend effective Monday. Brazil law enforcement officials objected the move and said they will. protest to state officials in Indianapolis. 'PUT OUT GRASS FIRE Marion firemen were called to extinguish grass tire at 1504 W.

Sixth St. at 5:44 p.m. yesterday. No' loss was reported from the blaze, ANNOUNCEMENTS Marion, Indiana, Chronicle- Tribune August 8, 1954 25 Personal AUTOMOBILES. EMPLOYMENT WILL--Care for children in my Aate Trucks for Sale Help Wanted -Female home, $1 day or night.

Will FOR SALE Chevrolet truck cab. BABY SITTER-4 p.m.-12 p.m any age. Fenced in playground. Phone 596. daily.

Phone NO 2-6028. pick up. Ph. 5758-R. WOMEN Demonstrators for WISH To care for Elderly cou- Aute Accessories, Tires, Parts 13 Stanley home products to work ple or lady in my private home.

Auto Parts- -Wrecker in local units. Call Gas City Elizabeth Yoder, Hemlock, Ind. SPENCER SALVAGE Service. 8-5323. Elizabeth Jones, R.

R. 1, CHILDREN--To keep in my home. Phone 4309-W 17th and By-Pass Jonesboro. thru Fri. Phone NO 2-6942 and Bicycles 15 EXPERIENCED -Intelligent lady THE BEST Motorcycles 45 to 55 years of age for secreGROCERIES FOR AND MEATS MOTORCYCLE-3 wheel.

Terms. tarial position in local downtown BOB WILSON Opp. P. 0. Good delivery cycle.

Ph. NOrth office. Full time or Mornings or 2-7324. afternoons. Typing and ShortSEWING MACHINES For tree estimate, Repaired FOR SALE Whizzer motor bike.

hand required. Write Chronicle In your home. Phone 48F20 Converse. Box 934.: pick-up and machines. delivery, Charles New D.

Mar- Repairing, Service Stations AVON Customers are asking and Used Ph. 1727. COMPLETE for service. The demand is great. ine, 2120 S.

Adams. AND Why not get started now and BLOGANS MECHANICAL MAKES get la on our' Wo SERVICE MARION LOAN MORTGAGES ASSN. BODY WITH WORK, EXPERT ALL MECHANICS CARS train you by interesting color REAL ESTATE FAST SERVICE film. Age no barrier. Opening in LIVE BAIT- And tackle, Hartley NOTTINGHAM OLDSMOBILE Fairmount.

Write Mrs. Dorothy Bait Tackle, 624 N. Adams. Fruechtenicht. Box: 824, Hunting- 3 And room for children $2 309 E.

3rd St. and Phone Mechanical 1328 ton, Ind. AC day, BOARD- Ph. 2016. EXPERTService on All Make Cars INTELLIGENT Plesant woman Lost, Strayed or Stolen J.

MATTHEWS, Inc. for varied office work. Must bo LOST- -German Shepard male dog, Buick Service Parts. Accessories. neat, accurate, typist.

No shortblack and tan. Chain color. rab- EXPERT MECHANICAL SERVICE hand. day Write les tag 90076, tax 274474. Op All Make Cars and Trucks Chronicle Box 950 giving age, Children's pet.

Call 3760.0 We Use Genuine Factory Parts qualifications, and references. Makes $10 REWARD For return of Eng- QUICK SERVICE BOOMING BUSINESS lish bicycle. Black frame, cream CENTRAL CHEVROLET, Inc. opening available for responsifenders. Peter Crasher.

803 221 W. Second St. Ph. NOrth 2-6696 ble man or woman with car to 3rd. Phone NO 2-6813.

call on farm women in N. E. AUTOMOBILES $20 Write BUSINESS SERVICE Grant County. Full or sparo Business Service Offered McNESS COMPANY, 120. E.

Automohlles for Sale WANTED Plastering and patch- Clark Freeport, Ill. 1951 Mercury with overdrive. ing. Guaranteed. Phone 1311R.

A DRESS LINGERIE Shop In 2. tone and clean $895. Phone QUALITY PLUMBING your home. No Investment. Good 8063 or 4097W.

SONABLE. Phone 4535-M. commission. Write Modern Man1934-Ford coupe stock cin rea- PAINTING -Inside and out. Free Dept.

663, Hanover, Penna. dy to race. Phone, 8063 or 6264R estimates. Phone Matthew's 51. PER YR.

MUST SELL Chevrolet; HAULING Ashes, trash, dirt, National concern has opening for 1948 Dodge, both cars top con- gravel, stone, dump truck. woman In managerial capacity. dition, Choice $395. Help finance. PHONE 5608-W.

Must be alert, well groomed and Phone 5286. Sunday after 3 p.m. WELL DRILLING-4" up. Clyde experienced in meeting public. 1949 Ford.

Prine. Ph. 113-W Fairmount. Flexible hours. No canvassing, 1948 Ford $165.

Sweeper Sewing Mach. Repairs delivery or collecting. Car nec1947 Chevrolet club coupe. Free Estimates Work Guaranteed essary. For interview call 721 W.

26th St. Ph. GUARANTEED 886-J. cic collect 2-2687. WANTED CLEAN CARS SWEEPERS BIG MONEY FASTI Show 1950 to 1954 Models From $2 to $139.50 friends, neighbors.

beautiful YORK AUTO SALES KARNES SWEEPER CO. Christmas -Cards. Also, finest BELL'S TRAILER SALES Phone 1772 38th Wash. St. Deluxe Line Gifts.

Sample PEERLESS kit Long Terms at Bank Rates PAINTING Repairs, Houses, ERE GREETINGS, 316 N. Michigan, New and Used Trailers approval. Alit 30th By Pass trim, carpenter, roofing, gutters, Chicago. GOOD USED CARS chimneys, sinks. CHRISTIAN LADY To care for.

cabinet built. ALL KINDS li Ph. 147-W. All of tele 6 children and do housework KILEY SALES SERVICE 1 WE SERVICE makes for 3 weeks, while mother. is in Boots St.

at River Phone 5435 visions. MARION T. V. CENTER hospital. Mod.

home. Start Aug. WHOLESALE PRICES 614 So. Wash. Ph.

4636 13th. 3626 S. Boots. 1950 PLYMOUTH $395 REUPHOLSTERING Help Wanted- 33 1949 BUICK 4-door. $395 All type furniture Ph.


1000's U. S. JOBS TO 1 $245 Clean sewer lines, septic tanks. $18,000 Trades, Office, Factories, 1947 FORD Tudor $195 Ph. McCormick Gas City 5801-82331 Stamped self addressed envelope 1947 PLYMOUTH 4-door $150 TREE WORK -Make yards, land- brings reply.

Job Opportunites, 1917 OLDSMOBILE Station Wagon scape, dig basem*nts, sidewalks, Waseca, 103, Minn, Cus $175 patios, insurance. Lanter, 1556. JOBS ON SHIPS. HIGH PAYROSS USED 'CARS WILLIS- Painting, carpentry, in- Great Lakes, Ocean, Experience Marion Ave. and By Pass I.

side out. Ph. Gas City 6357. Unnecessary. Stamped self-adPhone NO 2-2796 HANGING -And painting.

dressed envelope brings reply. 1917-Blue Chevrolet convertible, Frank PAPER Call Gas City 5297 Ship Opportunites, Waseca, 103, clean. Ph. 6377-R. Crawford, Minn.

MUST SELL-1952 Ty mouth Cran- Ph. PAINTING NO 2-8219 Interior for free and estimates. exterior WANTED Services of professionbrook 4 'door; beater, seat COV- al Tenor for Church ers, $875, Richard Huston, across EXPERIENCED Block laying. Chronicle: Box 953. from lligh School, Upland, Ind.

Ph. cement 743-J. work, Paul chimney Hawkins. repair. WE An opening for an ex1049 HUDSON SUPER SIX- CIGS perienced retail salesman for Coupe.

Extra clean and perfect BUILDING And remodeling. full line, of G. E. home applicondition. Experience.

Free estimates. Th. ances, kitchen cabinets, flooring BARKER McCLAIN 5231-W. and television. Unlimited carn16th Washington St.

Weed Mowing- with Tractor ings, weekly drawing account, 1947 Chevrolet Convertible, Ex- Marion Equip. Rentals. Ph. 5925 liberal commissions. Sce R.

Grotra good top and seat RUG SPECIAL Extended through nendyke at Liniger 105 S. covers. Best 'offer takes. Phone 9 12, Domestic rug Washington. 3575-4.

1 cleaned $3.95. FARM HELP -Married man, 35- 1950 OLDS 88. A-one $850 all kinds, tree est. Power Machinery and livestock LOOK I BARGAINS OUT WEST? BROWN I TRUEBLOOD 45, small family. Experienced in 1950-BUICK 4 door 750 Ph.

7057-W. care; especially hogs. Chronicle 1951-PLYMOUTH 4 door clean 595 SEWER CLOGGED Cleaned with 948. 1950-CHEVROLET Special 4,50 modern Roto-Rooter equipment. WANTED-4 Bullard operators, 3rd 1949-FORD Tudor 450 SEPTIC TANKS Cesspools, shift.

Top wages. No others need 4. 1949- CHEVROLET Fleetline 450 cleaned" with modern pump. apply. 1949-NASH 2 door 350 BEEKMAN ROTO-ROOTER ALLOY PRODUCTS 1949-FORD Tudor Special 299 1525 W.

5th Phone 1203 734 Lincoln Blvd. 1948-CHEVROLET nice 395 WE REPAIR Irons, Toasters, WANTED Married farm hand; 1947- STUDEBAKER nice 295 Mixers, Percolators, Fans and house. Phone 12F30 Greentown, 1946-CHEVROLET 2 door 195 give 24 hour service 00 any WANTED -FIRST CLASS COMBI1947-Small cycle 35 Brand Name appliance. NATION BODY AND PAINT 1937-DODGE pickup 50 BROYLES ELECTRIC INC. MAN.

APPLY. Other cars to choose from 506 S. Wash. Ph. 347 HAWKINS FORD SALES HAWKINS Ph 1232 EXPERIENCED Electrician WANTED -Man with station wagAUTO SALES 2216 W.

9th BARGAINS SEE wants interior and exterior wir- on or panel truck, would accept FOR CAR ing. Reasonable Phone 1897-R. man with car, Contact Mr. Eaton HOLLINGSWORTH! CARPENTER Plumbing; paint- between 9-11 a.m. Andrews Bldg.

Jl CAR LOT Phone NO 2-6585 ing work. Phone 3792M. Room 205. interior and exterior; cement E. 4th.

3rd Nebraska. BUY OR TRADE AT WASHER REPAIR-Al makes of Salesman Wanted 33A DON MARSHALL AUTO SALES wringer type washer. Good stock FACTORY 3212 S. Adams St. Phone 1954 of parts and We specialize REPRESENTATIVE FAIRMOUNT MOTOR SALES on Maytags.

For gift manufacturer. Call on gift DODGE PLYMOUTH DEALER BARNETTE APPLIANCE CO. shops, department stores, etc. you when shopping for 111 S. Wash.

Phone 3444 Earn territory. $200 per Commission week. Exclusive advanced new or used cars HOPPES TRENCHING- Ditching, FAIRMOUNT MOTOR SALES Foundation, water line. Trench- weekly. Air mall experience 10 FOLLOW THE LITTLE CARS wide.

913 S. Water. ton Park Ave. Cincinnati Mig, 9, Ohio, Apple- Jonesboro. Phone Gas City 5551.

MORRIS AUTO SALES COMPLETE Vacuum Cleaners AD MATCHES, SELL AMAZING 409 W. 3rd St. Phone NOrth 2-8380 Parts and Repair Service DESIGNS! 10, 20, 30, 40 and 240- GEO. RAMP USED CARS EMMONS light SPOT book CASH matches. COMMISSION; BIGGER Ev.

934 S. Washington Phone 553 WE REPAIR ery Start business without a prospect. Repeats. men, a Square Deal" (3101 S. Wash.

St. Phone 801 TOP VALUE USED CARS SEWING MACHINES women; full, part experience, time. BUY HOWARD AUTO SERVICE ALL MAKES NOTHING. Sales kit furn. 8th and Adams Phone 1066 Let a Singer expert tune up your MATCH CORP.

OF AMERICA, 1940 OLDSMOBILE Radio, heat- sewing machine. Reasonable Dept. BG, Chicago 32. Good condition Gordon" Bar- charges. Estimates furnished in rows G.

I. Traller Court. Taylor advance. Call your Help -Male and Female 34 Univ. after 5.

SINGER SEWING MCHE. CO. SHORT ORDER Cook. Male or 1948 HUDSON-8'. Fair condition 412 S.

Washington Phone 372 female. Apply in person 5th Reasonable. Ph. 312-J after 6. SEPTIC TANKS Cesspools, toilet Wheel Cafe.

FOR QUALITY USED CARS vaults, vacuum cleaned sewer WANTED -All around good cook, SEE lines. Basem*nt drains cleaned male or female. Phone or write. LM MOTOR SALES with electric cutting knives. Con- DICK'S DINER-3602 Maumee Ave Second Wash.

Phone NOrth 2-2574 crete tanks sold and. installed. Fort Wayne, Ind. Ph. Anthony 0976 1953.

PLYMOUTH 5000 actual miles. Convertible, Ph. 1039 E. DAVID 38th SEWER St. CLEANERS 4415-W FINANCIAL like new, NO 2-8517 after 6 p.m.

Dressmaking. and Millinery 21 Business Opportunities 1950 Chevrolet convertible; new ALTERATIONS Sewing, and SELL OR TRADE Cottage '53 Chevrolet motor, 3,000 actual pants draped. Phone 471J. grocery with 2 room apartment, 1950 PLYMOUTII Station wagon, ROOF LEAK? 1952 BUICK-Riveria $1,595 Heating. Plumbing.

Roofing house. Phone Sweetser 3778. miles. $650. Will finance.

A Ph. 582J 1942 Oldsmobile, for apartment 29,000 miles. $650 Phone 108 115 E. 6th Do you want to Invest $10,000 in 1949 PACKARD4 door, new tires, STATE ROOFING CO. building and equipment leased new motor, overdrive $650 DO IT YOURSELF for $150 monthly? Shows 1947 CHRYSLER 6-4 door, low gross, Call us! 1947 CHRYSLER 6-4 door $95 ALUMINUM -Combination Doors, WESTFALL.

WESTFALL mileage, one no owner, $375 Miscellaneous 1946 CHEVROLET-2 door, good $39.95. REALTORS mechanically $245 ALUMINUM-Storm windows 24x24 310 S. Boots NOrth 2-2707 1942 PLYMOUTH-4 door, fully $17.08. MOTEL-19 bedrooms on gull in equipped $15) COMMERCIAL LUMBER CO. N-W Florida.

1 year old. For 1941 PLYMOUTH-2 door, excel- Phone sale possible lease. Terms. 4 lent condition. $195 DO IT YOURSELF- Owner.

1427 E. 18th Ave. Colum1941 OLDS 6-4 door, bydramatic $95 Copper tubing and fittings. New bus, Ohio. 1936 FORD Excellent motor $30 low Prices.

HEATING CO. SOAP AND NATIONALLY TOWEL PRODUCTS ADVERTISED By JOHN Pass L. JONES Phone 4037 514 So. Adams Reliable person to service Soap NELSON'S 13th MAKE YOUR OWN- Chairs, desks, and Towel Dispenser accounts. Auto Tracks for Sale 12 storm windows, screens, etc, with in this county.

This non-competiCHEVROLET PICKUP ton. REYNOLDS "Do it Yourself tive business can be operated on Excellent condition, Very low Aluminum." ordinary tools part or full time basis. Immedi mileage. No trades, Phone NO 2- MARION HARDWARE CO. ate income.

No selling. No over. 6056. 1566 Phones 4 1567 head. Qualified person will FOR SALE OR TRADE 1954 an excellent opportunity to Small earn inChevrolet ton pickup truck EMPLOYMENT $5,000 and up yearly.

with stake bed, dual wheels and vestment of 1 $1,071.00 required fully equipped deluxe cab. Phone Help Wanted- Female for inventory. Write number diving for per- ad1953 Gas City 6741. 1 ton. Buyer can con- 40 years of age.

Steady long sonal Interview. NATION WIDE COMPETENT Stenographer: 35 dress and phone tinue with Kenneth Freeman. comfortable office. Address Suite 2705 Lisboa 'owner's present em- time Downtown SOAP AND TOWEL' SUPPLY 1353 ployment. Adams Wabash Ind.

Chronicle Box 951. Milwaukee, 8, Wiscondia. 1 5.

Leader-Tribune from Marion, Indiana (2024)
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Author information

Name: Kelle Weber

Birthday: 2000-08-05

Address: 6796 Juan Square, Markfort, MN 58988

Phone: +8215934114615

Job: Hospitality Director

Hobby: tabletop games, Foreign language learning, Leather crafting, Horseback riding, Swimming, Knapping, Handball

Introduction: My name is Kelle Weber, I am a magnificent, enchanting, fair, joyous, light, determined, joyous person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.