Ambrosia, Ichor and Other Godly Substances - Chapter 1 - PLUTOPILLBUG (2024)

Chapter Text

Two pairs of hurried footsteps splash against the puddled asphalt, running through empty streets populated with tall brick buildings. The orange street lights of the Brooklyn apartment buildings flickered and flashed overhead. a cloudy night sky, the moon watching overhead.

She, in a full blown sprint, dashed through the streets with the wallet in her hand, rounding corners, climbing over wired fences, trying to lengthen the gap between her and her pursuer. She huffed and puffed, losing energy, gasping for the cold air that stung her throat and nostrils. A grunt sounds out, the footsteps stopped, she plastered on a tired sh*t eating grin, looking back behind her at the large figure. Her smile dropped as she saw them pull something out of their jacket. She dives into an alleyway, eyes wide as the world in front of her warped around her.

She screamed, dropping to the floor. The brick walls lengthened endlessly and coiled into a spiral as it got farther and farther away from her still body, green halos cutting the reality she inhabited and the fever dream ahead of her. She shambled to her feet, mustered courage, and walked forward. It was useless, as ground burned through her worn shoes. The ground split as puddles of water refused to enter the bright emerald boundary that she tried to step over, forming unnatural semicircles.

“f*ck. f*ck- what the hell is this-“ She cursed. and looked back as foot steps echoed behind her. It was a tall man wearing a royal blue tailored suit, with a white shoal textured shawl over his shoulders and a matching blue fedora on his head. He had an old, weathered complexion, like a veteran, beneath his wrinkled olive skin and salt-and-pepper beard. In his hand was a cane with the head of a viper on the hilt, just below the handle.

She swore he didn’t have a cane before. She swore that was the hand that reached into their coat pocket.The old man grabbed a pocket watch from their coat, and clicked it, the world behind him doing the same spiraling effect that was behind her. She was terrified, confused, and stuck to the floor under her. She threw the wallet on the floor.
“FINE! Jesus Christ! f*ckin- take it back, man! I’ll leave! I don’t know how you did this, but you don’t gotta see me again! I’m sorry, okay! I’m sorry!”
She pleaded, putting her hands in submission. The man looked at the wallet at his feet. He hit it upwards with his cane. It stayed in the air. He looked over it, inspecting it, with his hat covering his face. She couldn’t make out what he was thinking. She was sure she was gonna die here. She blinked, the wallet was gone and replaced with a lollipop

“Take what back? You threw a sucker at my feet. This isn’t my property.”
He had a British accent, the lollipop clacked against the floor.
She checked her pockets. There it was. The wallet. She looked at it, there was an insignia of a snake on it. She threw it, stepping back like she picked up a dead rat.
“I-I don’t know how it-“
The wallet was gone.
“Got there…?”
It was in her pocket again. The man spoke once more.
“Am I a joke to you? You ask for forgiveness yet have not given me my property.”
He put a hand out.
“Hand me my due valuables.”

She mustered the courage, walking up to him and putting the wallet in his hands. Stepping away as she did.
“There! I did it! Can I go now?“
“Did what? You just handed me another sucker.”

In his hands was, as expected, a lollipop. Her fear began to lessen. She has to be on something now.
“Put it back in its rightful pocket. I’m a very organized man with very little time.”
He spoke calmly and stone faced, clicking his watch as the distortion behind him disappeared, leaving him free to walk away.

It’s been three hours now. She’s taken off her large puffer jacket and has been only in a shirt, jeans and boots for the past forty minutes, her own body heat fending off the cold. She’s out of stamina, and her previous marathon run-away didn’t help her in this endeavor. Everytime she ran at him head-on, he would almost disappear out of view, which turned into this game of cat and mouse. She just wanted out, but the underlying fear of what this… thing could do kept her obedient. She tried to escape multiple times, leading to the world in front of her to spiral again. It always made a pit form in her stomach, made worse by her growing hunger and thirst. What kind of damnation was this? Some sort of harrowing torture maybe. Her steps slowed, she grew tired, she feared growing tired, what could that mean for her? What would he do if she couldn’t play anymore? What if this wasn't damnation but something put inside her? A bad high? Something laced?

Her panic worsened.

He was walking into a seven eleven. She broke in through a bathroom window. Crawling in and dropping down quietly.
‘Dollar store Gman looking motherf*cker.’
She wasn't the happiest camper. She had an old worn duffle bag, changing into a different outfit. Fundamentally, it was more dirty rags held together with mediocre stitching and sewing. She put on a hat to hide her coal black and frizzy hair. She left the bathroom, walking in as if she had always been there, and slid past the man, pocketing the wallet in its rightful place. She kept walking, leading her to pat her pockets. She felt something. It was a lollipop.

“How did you do that?”
She tripped and fell, eyes wide looking up.
“I could not feel your presence behind me, let alone feel you enter this convenience store. How did you do that?”
‘This guy is f*cking crazy- just- just talk to him like normal-’

“I don’t know what you mean, man. I'm just- pickpocketing? Stealing? I don't know what you want from me?”
He didn’t like that answer. He sighed, tapping her on the forehead with the handle of his cane.

Her body separated into its base components, flesh, sinew, bones and ivory into one cohesive gaseous form. She flinched, her eyes opening to see a modern New York apartment with glass walls overlooking the city. Except there were strange looking tapestries adorning any non-glass or mirror surface, with animal furs and fabrics. He was sitting on a couch near a coffee table with a pot full of large mushrooms, he pointed at the seat across from it. She complied.

“Who do you think you're fooling? What are you doing in the mortal world, hmm?”
She couldn’t respond. She was still in a state of panic looking around the room. How was she here? She wasn’t supposed to be here, and it made her sick to be here. She turned green.
“Was that your first teleportation? Are- are you actually mortal?”
She threw up on the carpet.
“Ooh. Oh dear. Oh this is not good.”
“Oughh! God- yes, this is not good! This is VERY not good! God- my f*cking INSIDES man!“
She stayed kneeling at the table, feeling a blanket of disgust and feverish hot flashes covering her body.
“Ugh. Quit with the dramatics.”
He snapped his fingers and the vomit and sickly feeling vanished..including the dirt underneath her nails, the smell and slimy feeling of sweat, and any grime else on her body. She looked up, confused.
“How! How are you doing any of this”
He sighed, snapping his fingers as his blue suit and hat meshed into each other and formed into a baby blue nightgown and nightcap. Same with her clothing, turning into a gray and gray-pine green pajamas, consisting of a button down shirt and pants, and fuzzy slides.

“My name is Caelid Vipergoose…I’m sure you have many questions. now that we are in conversation so I’ll..just get the big bits out. What I used was magic, and yes it’s “real” And the reason I put you through the past few hours is I believed you used magic as well! But that should’ve been impossible, no one your age could’ve been in the human realm, So I thought, maybe a shapeshifter or demon had gone loose? So many possibilities, I had to know what you were and how you were here! And more importantly, how you snuck up on me.’
She refused to say some rude words, seeing as she’s already this deep.
“But. You weren’t any of those things, were you? Tell me, who are you?”
She kept silent, he sighed and snapped his fingers as a cup of tea appeared in front of her. It was a fine China teacup, with a plate to the side holding small cookies. She took a drink, cautiously.

“Ha…okay, my name is Pacaya Castellanos. And I’m a..person..?? And very f*cking confused. Can you kill me if you snapped your fingers? Be honest.”
“I- well that’s an absurd accusation!”
“I’m just asking a question!”
“Well for your information, yes I can! Though I see no reason to as I’ve already brought you to my home!”
“Well I kinda don’t wanna be in your f*cking home! I wanna go back to my home!”
“And where would that be!”
“I dunno! Under the Train tracks if it’s raining! It’s certainly better than here! The shelter never has enough space..”
Caelid stopped his response before his mouth even fully opened.
“Oh my…I just thought mortals were unclean here- I’m sorry- that’s very rude of me-“
“Yeah. It is. You don’t have to rub it in.”
It stayed silent for a while. Caelid twiddled at his thumbs and Pacaya was glaring at her tea cup
“Well..what happened?”
“What do you mean “what happened?” I was born into this. Mom kept me fed and kept me in a little makeshift house under a bridge most of my life, and I got sh*t for it. I couldn’t do anything about it and still I got sh*t thrown at me, got talked down to whenever I was begging on the sidewalk, got reprimanded whenever I tried to get something to eat, or find a place to sleep by random passerbyers or even f*cking cops. I’m nothing of value to this place and have never been, I am barely treated as a human most of the time. It’s f*cking agonizing. I’m just- living to live, to spite others who want me dead simply because I wasn’t blessed enough with a home when I was born.”

“Hm…fooey, that doesn’t explain how you snuck up on me. It must’ve been something”
That twinged a nerve in Pacaya. She pours her heart out out of fear and he's still on about her being some special someone.
“There wasn’t anything man! No magic or whatever the hell you keep asking about! I’m still half under the impression I tripped and got punctured on a needle on the ground.”
“…hm…dammit. No, I refuse.”
Pacaya Looked bewildered for a moment
“f*ck you mean- “you refuse.” Refuse what? Reality?”
“Yes. Exactly. Let me just..”
He put his hand in his nightgown pocket and pulled out- a giant book. It was almost the size of Caelid’s chest. He opened it, the pages infinitely scrolling until it displayed a calendar. It was in a language Pacaya could only barely understand, like a thick fog had coated only the letters
“Mhm mhm! The semester applications end soon!”
“Hah? What’d you mean?”
“I mean for this lunar year, school will be back in session in a few weeks. We better sign you up soon if we want to make it in time!”
“Sign me up- I’m 19! I can’t be going to highschool-“
“19? Oh perfect! you’d be a Voluh then!”
“Wait- Voluh? The f*ck is that?”
“It’s our word for First year, it’s a college with mortals within your age group! Oh you’re going to learn so much here! Oooooh I remember when I was on campus! So fun!”
“Hey hold on- I’m still not up to speed here-“
“Okay- so! You know how you said you were homeless and had nothing in life of value to a society who berates you for not being a middle class citizen despite that not being in your ability to change due to you being born into poverty? Im sending you into a school back in my realm! it’s one of the biggest and most prestigious Magic-Knighting colleges in the realm,
It gives opportunities to anyone with the ability! Your background is meaningless to them, as long as you have the magic ability”
“I just said I don’t-“
“I know! So just, think of this as a little gift.”

Caelid snapped his fingers as the table moved to the side and Pacaya was brought over by her chair, its legs squeaking against the laminated floor.
“WOAH! HEY HEY- Let me think about this fir-“
“What’s there to think about? Do you have anything else in life you’d want aside from power?”
“Uh- a girlfriend would be nice.“
“And you expect to just find a pretty lady out on the street that would take in your musty, dirty behind? You have nothing. I’m giving you the opportunity to have everything. Why refuse power when you have no love greater than it?”

Pacaya was silent. She couldn’t make eye contact. He was right. She has nothing. No one. Caelid sighed, sitting up straight as he grabbed a rock with a leather hilt and wrote into the air above Pacaya’s head.”
“Try not to mention this to your peers, this is very much a myth in most circles and nigh impossible in others, depending on who you’re speaking to.”
The rock carved the air, splitting it open with colors akin to the northern lights creeping out of it. He finished, making a sigil of a snake that coiled around and ate its own tail. The image grew and came to life, letting go of its tail and coiling around Pacaya’s head.
“HEY- hey hey- HEY the f*ck is THIS CAELID?!”
“You think you can just inject mana and magic knowledge into individuals? Especially mortals within The Marrow? I’m giving you a gift, and a pretty large one at that, considering it’s my own magic I'm giving.”
The snake coiled around her neck, getting longer and thinner, splitting into many snakes and making vein-like structures. They coiled in some places, looking akin to a spiral. Whenever these spirals became known, Caelid would prick his thumb with the rock, and stabbed into the spiral. Causing the snakes to uncoil and follow her nervous system accordingly.

Pacaya awoke on the couch. Her eyes and head, burning with a fever. She looked to the room around her. No Caelid in sight. On the table next to her was a large open suitcase full of clothes, next to it was a plate wrapped in aluminum foil with “breakfast” written on it, and a letter that said “read me!!!!!”

“Goodmorning, Ms, Castellanos.

You may be confused as to what has transpired since you passed out from the magic transfer. I finished the procedure, which was more stabbing of clotted areas. After that, I prepared you lunch, organized a suitcase with all your needs for class, and an assorted amount of paper. You can see in the mirror the scarring of the procedure, we can’t have that, so the assorted paper is for you to sketch on and assign to a part of the body. It will leave a detailed rendition of whatever you have sketched, in accordance to your visualization of it. Shower, Eat up and get dressed as I will be sending transport to you within two hours after the opening of this letter.

Caelid Vipergoose”

The Breakfast was.. Steak and Potatoes with a glass of apple juice? She dug in with a ravenous hunger. She looked at the utensils, and saw two knives. She used one for the steak, and pocketed the other. She got up and looked around. there were lights dancing on the ceiling, she couldn’t believe it. Grabbing the clothing within the old timey looking suitcase. There were pajamas, robes, beige bras and granny panties. Some socks were warm and some were just shin-high. The suitcase seemed to go on forever, with pairs of shoes that reminded Pacaya of what older men in families would wear to church.
“Oh! oh I love these.. oh these are really cute what the hell?“
She was excited now. She got a pair of underwear and laid out the robes she’d wear for the “transport.”
“Wait. he’s literally told me nothing- where the f*ck am I going? Yeah, it’s some magic college but I'd like some insight. Maybe an idea or prior knowledge at least? Should I dress warm or cold?“ She sighed, grabbing her clothes and a towel from the suitcase and following the dancing lights to a bathroom where she undressed and bathed. She soon exited and inspected herself in the mirror.

She had coal black hair, freshly wet and down to her shoulders. A strong jaw and nose, and wide shoulders. She hasn’t had the chance to look in the mirror for a while. So she wasn’t accustomed to her figure. Or well, lack off. Her chest was puffed out and strong despite the lack of weight and scrawniness. Her waist was only slightly curved in, barely giving the image of a feminine figure. Her hands were large, and her breasts were non-existent, her body hair not trimmed and barely touched, and her penis. Not much else she could think about it, or feel about it. She cleaned up, drying off and watching the snake-like spiral scarring of her left shoulder, left hand, right wrist, right forearm, her right breast, and left thigh.

She shaved, looking around his bathroom and finding clippers to give herself a quick undercut. She finally got dressed, The loose clothes affixing to her figure, and somehow complimenting it, showing off her long legs and short torso. It was a white button down and a black skirt that reached her shins, and a long cloak that lengthened to her height of 6’. She played around in her outfit, loving the flowing of fabric, being ecstatic about it being real. About all of it being real.

She finally had..something. She was an angry girl, easily annoyed, but only because she had nothing else to do but lash out. Now she has something to be excited for, something to be fearfully overjoyed about, something to give butterflies in her stomach when she thinks of its soon impending arrival. She loved it.

She walked around the room quietly, mumbling to herself about the small trinkets and things that bite in Caelid’s apartment. Fabrics with eyes that stared and blinked, mushrooms and bioluminescent ferns that shrunk and expanded, as if it was breathing, bookshelves with a wide variety of literature, if you can find one before the book spines transition into different pieces of literature entirely, changing periodically. Small jars held with strings were the main subject of lighting, casting a warm, orange glow like tiny torch light.

Pacaya spun in her uniform once more, giddy in excitement.
“Wait- f*ck. What if they hate me?
I’m gross and weird and don’t know people. sh*t.”
And fear. And anxiety. And dread. And bittersweet joy. And an entire thesaurus of all things that feel like a pit in the stomach. Her wallowing was cut short by the letter from before jumping up and folding into a tiny paper swan. Or was it a goose?
“Ohhh wow….what the hell that’s so cool!”
Either way, it flew around her clothes that were still left out and unpacked since she had gone through her suitcase, folding them and throwing them into the suitcase, the suitcase’s latches locking shut. Her mouth agape in bewildered amazement, a tone shift from her fear of Caelid’s magic. The paper swan flew up again, flying around the glowing jars in the ceiling and then plummeting into the floor, causing a giant black vortex sucking in a fearful Pacaya and her suitcase. She grabbed onto the floor with her fingertips, screaming in fear until the floor became heavy and pulled her in.

The hardwood floor extended endlessly into a tunnel that let Pacaya fall and flail wildly. She grabbed on to her suitcase screaming as she closed her eyes, feeling her hair and robes flow and thrash about in the air. That was until, She opened her eyes, and was met with her latching on to her suitcase as it laid in the middle of a stone walkway that was peppered with people, wearing similar uniforms. Most shoved through the very small crowd forming around her, whispers of concern peppering the surrounding people.

She awkwardly breathed out, struggling to her feet and dusting her knees and skirt. The students were in the same uniform as her, though most differing with small details, maybe colors, maybe patches. But they couldn’t be called “human.” Some had many eyes, or gray skin, sharp teeth, many mouths, some looked just like her, and some were masked. It was a giant shock of unfamiliarity to her, and they were just staring at her, like she was the weird one.
“Are you alright?”
A softer, gentler voice spoke first through the chattering crowd, slowly dispersing as they supposed the situation was being handled.
“Uh- I think so-“
She shook her head, looking around for the source of the voice. She looked down to see a mushroom person. Apparently her face showed what she thought, seeing as the mushroom person that barely stood at waist height for Pacaya shifted uncomfortably. Pacaya caught on, feeling terribly for it.
“Oh! sh*t sorry. I’m Pacaya- uh- I’m new here.”
“W-well- we can see that, seeing your lack of insignias and badges…and all that…”
There was an extremely awkward air, Which was Pacaya’s fault, seeing as she was staring directly into the mushroom person’s eyes. It was short and stout, with a large red mushroom with white specks on its head, with strange pink tube-like coils off the rim of her mushroom head. Her body was the same off white colors, with gray eyes and yellow pupils, freckles on her soft plush face and lips. It had large hands and forearms, disproportionate to its body, which played with its cloak as it felt Pacaya’s intense heavy gaze.
“sh*t- sorry was I staring?”
“A little bit but- it’s fine ya know-uh- I never introduced myself! Uh- darn darn-“
The mushroom girl reached into her cloak, pulling out an ID card made of laminated wood that showed the ink shape of a cat-like creature surrounded by water at the top, with her general information on the bottom.
“Here’s my Identification! My name is Gharl Henine!”

She was a “Levhart,” a second year, Class of Earl Dedra Earl Adejm, which didn’t mean much of anything in Pacaya’s brain. Time measurement being another thing Caelid failed to mention. Pacaya decided she would deal with it later, if she ever saw Caelid again.
“Wow! Class of Earl Dedra Earl Adejm huh? That’s wild.“
“Wild? No it w-wouldn’t be wild, it w-would be in the Calm Moon year.”
Suddenly Gharl didn’t have a lick of anxiety from before.
“I mean, you would be class Earl Dedra Earl Birro,w-wouldn’t you? Seeing as you’re a new student and all.”
“Ohh yeah! Uh- definitely definitely- uh..”
‘CMON Pacaya! You can bullsh*t some information out of her, probably! Easy as hell!’
“Hey. I was thinking, could you show me around? I was just scoping out the place as of right now so I can be prepared and all when school gets in session! Super excited…! Hehe..”
“Oh! W-well school is already in session, today’s the first day.”
‘Ohoho this is not f*cking funny-‘
“Well- it is the first day, though it’s more of an orientation day for new students. But all the tours have concluded and all-“
“But- but everyone was walking through here-“
“To get to the dorms! This is the Levhart Dorm- is everything alright?”
“Yea- Everything is fine-“
“You smell lost. Aaaand a little bit like a liar. Look, just follow me, I’ll bring you to the Student Directory!”
‘Hm. I’m starting to like this chick and her preppy attitude. But This sudden knowledge vomit of sh*t I’m just expected to know is really getting on my nerves’

As Gharl and Pacaya walked through the stone pathways, They saw varying ranges of humanoid people, some had feathers instead of hair, some had black arms and heads with white markings on their eyes, some looked similar to Gharl; being short and stout with a mushroom head. Winged people, horns and claws, tall and lanky with big yellow eyes, some didn’t look like humans at all. One was a large snake just wearing a cloak and speaking with similarly reptilian students. This array of people confused, and intrigued Pacaya, which made absorbing Gharl’s speech of how this prestigious academy was a little on the difficult side.

“I’m sure you know this place already, but W-Welcome to the prestigious Erykah Magic and Knighting Academy!
Founded in Adjem Earl Houxly by The Caelid Vipergoose shortly after the Hundred Year Gold age, It was, and still is, a prosperous private academy made to hone the magic of diamonds in the rough! Four year long main curriculum, given to anyone that catches their eye in terms of strength and or magic, the w-w-whetstone for the most powerful of prodigies! A wide array of magic classes included with the base curriculum, including but not limited to Mana basics, abjuration, conjuration, divination, enchantment, evocation, illusion, and transmutation! But hehehe! Those are for the magic students! For those in the Knighting curriculum, it’s Squ-squireship, Survialism, Equi-quipment management, Qua-Quarters Combat, One handed, two handed, and ranged w-weapons, and armor training! With many teachers and masters in its staff and hundreds of students on campus, it is a breeding ground for great heroes and adventurers!”

Pacaya was starting to get used to hearing her talk. Using it as background noise as her head actually began to register everything he’s hearing.
“Heroes and adventurers? Like, slaying dragons?”
“Wh- hello? Dragons?! Those things are demigods. That would be suicide!”
“Wow, really? Sorry, homeschooled. Not really sure about a lot going on.“
‘PERFECT! It’s only a half lie, I AM not sure what’s going on. And I WAS homeschooled. Just not here. Wait, where am I supposed to be?’
“Ah. where are we going again?”
“Student directory! It’s right here in the main office tower.”
They entered a giant building that looked more like a cathedral hall, tall walls and two large staircases curved in a semi circle and showing one of the many floors of the building. There were a miscellaneous amount of students, tiny friend groups gossiping and talking about whatever invaded their thoughts for the moment.
Pacaya stood in awe of it, staring at four giant tapestries that began at the large open ceiling and dropped down. The first was a gray/brown tapestry of a mole or rodent proportional to a giant bear of some kind in the earth, climbing out of the ground. The second was a blue tapestry with the image of a Snow Leopard Like creature, splashing out of the snow. The third was a red tapestry with an image of an Okapi stomping out embers with a flowing mane. And the last was a green tapestry with the image of a snake-bird on it. Pacaya had spent an unnerving amount of time staring at everything, at least to Gharl and the rest of the student body it was unnerving. Gharl was pulling Pacaya by the hand, dragging her feet as Pacaya tried to intake every single tiny detail. Pacaya’s sightseeing was cut short by rumbling.
“Huh? Gharl what's that noise?”
“Uhhh I don’t know-”
There was yelling as kids began to run through the hall, in a hurried panic. Quickly the entire hallway filled with running kids, thrashing against Gharl and Pacaya, pushing them against a door.
A kid yelled as a wave of multicolored soap foam and water began to wash though the hall. Pacaya acted on her feet, opening the door they were pushed up against and throwing Gharl in. The small closet they were in shook and rumbled as a tsunami of soap rushed past, foam splashed out from the gaps of the door frames,soaking their cloaks. The closet was cramped, pushing the two warm bodies together. Pacaya couldn't help but feel Gharl’s soft plushness pressed up against her, Pacaya’s suitcase forcing what already little space they had to be even smaller, the soap and cloth clinging their clothes against their bodies and practically sticking the two together, especially Gharl’s soft breasts and curves that were hidden by the layers of cloth. There was heavy breathing from the both of them as the sensations of each other's bodies and the sweet smell of soap struck their noses. Gharl looked up at Pacaya, a quiet tension being made. Pacaya could feel Gharl’s heartbeat in her chest, the warmth blooming for her body onto hers, the fragrant perfumes that coated the two of them. Minutes within this place and she was already grinding up with someone she had just met, not that said person wasn’t easy on the eyes, Gharl was really pretty, and genuine.
‘God she is soft-’

She was considering things. Gharl chirped out first.
“Ah- thank you- uhm wow you’re tall- but- wait- what do you have in your skirt?”
Gharl’s blush turned into confusion as Pacaya’s adrenaline spiked. Gharl’s hand grazed Pacaya’s pleated skirt.
“Ah- be careful- That’s-”
“Oh! Oh m-my..are you going to be a-alright? I mean I w-would hate to be in your position- such an u-uncomfortable h-hardness-”
The water rushed past, still beating on the door. Gharl’s eyes darted, her blush overwhelming her pale face.
“I could assist- oh by The Twelve Above, w-what am I saying? I could never! w-within school walls? In the- damp seclusion of- of this closet..? Why, no one would hear us- i-i-i-i could never! It would be morally- morally reprehensible-” Gharl struggles between words, her blush getting so red, one would think she'd be down with a fever.
“Oh does the fear make my heart race, i-is this normal? Do our.. Desires flow both ways? Oh gods- i'm offering my body to- to a stranger! Why, if w-w-word got out.. Oh if word got out of this-”

“Are you getting off on the taboo of the situation?”
“Yes! Oh I admit it! how pathetic..”
Pacaya met Gharls needy and demanding gaze. The brunette looked hesitant. Gharl was unlike anything she’s ever seen. But it was purely physical, beyond that, her prissy personality had been all but common for Pacaya. She could feel Gharl’s heart practically beat out of her chest. It wasn't like Pacaya thought she wasn't attractive, Pacaya found her weirdly kind entitlement to be somewhat endearing.


“Do you want to do this?”
She spoke directly.
“Do you want to do this?”
Then quieter, softer.
“I..yes. I want this. Can-can I touch you? Y-your body?”
Gharl’s hands floated inches from Pacaya’s hips. Her voice faltering ever so slightly.
“Say that again?”
“Can-can I touch your body? P-please?”
Her desperation seethed from her voice like beach winds carrying the salt water scent. Gharl was practically shaking from the thought of holding Pacaya so intimately, but nothing would continue if Pacaya didn’t give the okay. Pacaya put her hand on Gharl’s chin. She picked gharl up and moved her suitcase under her, their eyes meeting at eye level. She brought her lips to theirs, Pacaya held Gharl’s hands down to her hips, Gharl herself outlining Pacaya’s body, feeling her curves and supple flesh. Her hands slowly slid to the buttons of Pacaya’s shirt, taking one button at a time with feverish pleading. Pacaya held The Mushroom Girl’s head in place, the air around them beginning to boil at their shared body heat, Gharl gasping in open moments, their tongues exploring the others mouths with a ravenous lust.
Gharl nearly pulled the last button off the fabric.
When she looked at Pacaya’s body she saw black tattoos adorning her body.
Her left arm was a sleeve of endless castle towers in a starry night sky, the starry night bled to her left breast, showing a crescent moon-sun design with a tired eye. On her right shoulder was the skull of some sort of animal with two sets of rams horns. Its fur curled down her arm. Gharl gasped at the harsh looking tattoos. Her fingers traced the elastic of the tall girl’s skirt. Her lip quivered as she pulled away from the kiss.
“C-can I?”
“Undress me?”
Pacaya put a hand to Gharl’s mouth, Gharl’s eyes widened in surprise. Pacaya pulled her hand down to Gharl’s chin once more.
“C-can I please u-undress you? P-please?”
She nodded, Gharl smiled widely, too sincerely for this situation.
“Can I u-undress?” Gharl’s split pupils swirled in her iris, spinning in anxiety fueled panic, her heart slamming against her chest, waiting for permission. Pacaya, eyes also filled with nervous excitement, nodded. Gharl pulled Pacaya’s skirt up, her cute white panties holding her dripping co*ck back. Gharl continued with her panties, pulling them down. She practically fainted at the sight of it, she wanted to relieve it, she wanted to feel it. Nothing too dangerous in her mind. She unbuckled her pants, revealing her own plush thighs and soaking wet underwear. Gharl could barely breathe at the thought of continuing, getting heavy,so tantalizingly close, something she didn’t know she needed. She pulled down her panties, her slick dripping down her legs.
Pacaya felt her co*ck pulse and twitch at the sight of Gharl’s bare puss* and freckled thighs.
“Pp-please please move your-your- in bet-t-tween my th-thighs-”
Pacaya did as she was told, sliding her thick dick in the soft, plush, wetness of Gharl’s thighs. Her tip pressed into Gharl’s slit, nestling the length in Gharl’s labia.
Gharl shivered at the warmth, wrapping her arms around Pacaya’s shoulders, moving her waist rhythmically as her puss*’s slick lubricated the pathetic humping.
Gharl left pleading, begging breaths and stutters and her hands tangled into pacaya’s hair, Pacaya let her hands travel to Gharl’s ass. She took hold and angled her hips up, the tip of her co*ck now pressing harder against Gharl’s puss*, poking inside repeatedly with Gharl’s frenzied humping.

All she could do was abide by her own animalistic desires and the rhythm of her pathetic whimpering.

“Please- can I say your n-name? Please?”
Pacaya’s hands dug into Gharl’s back.
“C-can i please s-say y-your name?! Pl-please?!”
“Yes- It’s Pacaya-”
“Th-thank you! Oh By The D-Demiurge, th-thank you, Pacaya-”
She shivered out the name as if it burned her tongue, her hands digging into Pacaya as they both felt their desires rise, boiling over as Gharl’s stomach tightened from her org*sm. She clenched her thighs together, practically milking the cum out of Pacaya’s dick as she rode out their shared highs.

Their sweaty and tired bodies stuck to each other in their barbaric heat. They wordlessly pulled eachother off, cleaning then remains and clothing themselves, giving sneaking glances, split seconds of eye contact.


Pacaya and Gharl were astonished as they saw the damage of the soap-tsunami. There were wet papers and books everywhere, there were groaning kids stuck on walls like splat bugs, some looked like teachers, some had swords on them. There were torn down tapestries, and a kid stuck to the ceiling. They were some kind of cat person- slowly peeling off the roof and dropping down, their wet fur slapping the granite floor loudly.
“Do you think they're alright-
Gharl and Pacaya winced at the sight. Pacaya walked up to them, flipping them on their back.
“Hey. Hey! Are you good?”
“Oughhghhmm owwwwwwwwwwwmnrghhghnnn”
“Yeah, I feel that… they’re fine, Gharl! For the most part.”
Gharl looked confused, coming over and putting her hands out
“Monad Adjem Dedra..!”
she put her hands out, the words she spoke summoned writing to appear on her hands, a gold shine flowed from her hands and into the cat person, slowly their breathing steadied as the soap and moisture on them pulled off their body, leaving them dry.
“f*ck was that?”
“That- that was a rejuvenation spell? Do you not know how to cast a rejuvenation spell?”
“Oh- no I do! I just- forgot it, it’s been a while since I’ve..Said it.”
“It's only three words..?”
“What the hell has happened here?”
The heavy click of heels struck the wet porcelain floors like whips, a firm poised woman, tall, with almost jet black skin, and long ears with white fur tufts at the Tips. Her hair was stark white and braided back behind her ears with various jewels and beads. Jewels adorned her white and olive green lace robes, hugging her body tightly while exposing some snippets of skin on her chest, abdomen, hands and thighs that were covered in yellow tattoos. A Black lace cloak and veil mix that went down to her waist with sleeves that got wider at the forearms. Her gaze was sharp and her stride was brisk. She looked around, sighing.
“Mrs. Nettoyez! Please- you don’t have to concern yourself with this-“
“Monad Garral Torren Ulvide Vitrol Xaldi Ydlor.
Monad Adjem Torren Ulvide Worlen Xaldi Ydlor Dedra”
The wet soap water coalesced into a large pool sized puddle in the middle of the room, seemingly pulling the water from every corner of the school. Clothes, hair, cloth, it would be rendered dry as more and more water rushed into the large cathedral area of the Main
room. It coiled in on itself, as the now dry paper and wood flowed back into place, cracks snapping back into place, paper tears repairing with green light strands tying everything together. The standing water vortex got bigger and bigger, then blew into cold steam that blasted and refreshed the entire school house. Now standing at the vortexes place were many bars of soap with glowing cyan runes carved into it. The woman held her hand out, the writing on her wrists glowing green, her eyes flashing the same color under her veil. She looked to her advisor.
“Find me……Aciclo Silica. He’s the one responsible for this.”
The advisor looked through her large book, the images of every student morphing into one another until the image of a fluffy looking short boy with buck teeth merged on the page. He looked similarly to a moth crossed with a chinchilla. The advisor nodded.
“He is currently in the Biiro Alchemy classroom!”
The advisor nodded, her large rectangular glasses almost jumping off her eyes. Mrs. Nettoyez nodded, putting her hand on her advisor's shoulder and walked off. If it weren’t for the click of her heels, some would think she was floating away.

Pacaya was stricken, like a static shock had ruptured through her body. She was awestruck at the amount of poise and power Mrs. Nettoyez held herself with. She felt that power, she felt it course through the air as she cast her spells. Pacaya liked this feeling, Pacaya wanted more of this feeling. Just then, the students who were rendered unconscious were coiled in a green light, slowly groaning in pain as they picked themselves up.
“Not good- not good- gaaah Aciclo is gonna get sent to in school suspension!!”
Gharl had been biting her nails since Aciclo had his name be said by Mrs. Nettoyez.
“Who… Was that..?”
“That was the Dedra year Transmutation teacher! She’s super important and one of the most powerful wizards on this continent! It’s bad enough to be on her radar at all- but to get caught by her?? Aciclo is f*cked!”
Gharl wasn’t much of a potty mouth, so the curse had sounded unnatural in her voice. Pacaya had snapped out of her dreamlike state.
“Woah- sh*t is that bad huh?”
“YES! IT IS! We have to find him before Mrs. Nettoyez does!”
“We?” Who is “We?” I have to get to the student directory for my schedule and classes and all that.”
“Please..? Mrs. Nettoyez is really scary and I need someone to help be Look Out…”
Pacaya looked down at Gharl’a puppy eyes. Pacaya knew these eyes were for the weak willed, and Pacaya was a weak woman.
“Dammit, fine. I’ll come. Her advisor said he was at the Alchemy lab.”
“I know a shortcut! Cmon!”
Pacaya was pulled along by Gharl as they were thrown into a full sprint, her suitcase flailing in her arms behind her.
‘Man this chick is strong!!!’

Ambrosia, Ichor and Other Godly Substances - Chapter 1 - PLUTOPILLBUG (2024)
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Author: Corie Satterfield

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Author information

Name: Corie Satterfield

Birthday: 1992-08-19

Address: 850 Benjamin Bridge, Dickinsonchester, CO 68572-0542

Phone: +26813599986666

Job: Sales Manager

Hobby: Table tennis, Soapmaking, Flower arranging, amateur radio, Rock climbing, scrapbook, Horseback riding

Introduction: My name is Corie Satterfield, I am a fancy, perfect, spotless, quaint, fantastic, funny, lucky person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.