You sit down and allow the racket of the train to fill your head. You close your eyes. Soon the noise doesn't seem like noise and the motion doesn't feel like motion. You could fall asleep. You open your eyes and look at the ads. TRAIN FOR AN EXCITING NEW (2024)

Table of Contents
- what is "wingo"? It is advertising a product called "Wingo", and suggesting that if you use it you will become successful (perhaps the product in the photo)- what is "Saks"? Saks is a very famous department store- what does it mean "a notion of demonstrating to yourself that the icon was powerless"? specifically I do not understand what "icon" stand for in this case, and how it is "powerless". The original meaning of "icon" is a smallish painting on wood depicting Jesus or some other religious figure. People use them in prayer feeling that the painting has the power to assist their prayers to be heard and granted. So, he returned to this place with the idea (notion) of proving that the window mannequin, that resembled Amanda, did not hold any special power over him. - what is "wingo"? It is advertising a product called "Wingo", and suggesting that if you use it you will become successful (perhaps the product in the photo)- what is "Saks"? Saks is a very famous department store- what does it mean "a notion of demonstrating to yourself that the icon was powerless"? specifically I do not understand what "icon" stand for in this case, and how it is "powerless". The original meaning of "icon" is a smallish painting on wood depicting Jesus or some other religious figure. People use them in prayer feeling that the painting has the power to assist their prayers to be heard and granted. So, he returned to this place with the idea (notion) of proving that the window mannequin, that resembled Amanda, did not hold any special power over him. @nicolaiyevichyou're welcome 🤗


Updated on


28 March

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You sit down and allow the racket of the train to fill your head. You close your eyes. Soon the noise doesn't seem like noise and the motion doesn't feel like motion. You could fall asleep. You open your eyes and look at the ads. TRAIN FOR AN EXCITING NEW CAREER. BE AN INSTANT WINNER WITH WINGO! SOFT AND LOVELY HAIR RELAXER. BE A MODEL – OR JUST LOOK LIKE ONE. At Fiftieth you get off and walk up the stairs to the street. Walking east, you cross abrupt thermoclines as you move between the cool shadows of tall buildings and brief regions of direct sunlight. At Fifth Avenue you stand on the corner and look over at the long row of windows fronting Saks. You cross the street to the third window down from the uptown corner. The mannequin is gone. You count windows again. Where the Amanda mannequin had been is a new one with brunette acrylic on its head and a delicately upturned nose. You walk up and down the block, examining each of the mannequins. For a moment you think you have found it on Fiftieth Street, but the face is too angular and the nose is wrong. You came here with a notion of demonstrating to yourself that the icon was powerless, yet you are unsettled now that it is gone. What does this mean? You decide that it has disappeared because you were through with it, and you consider this a good omen. - what is "wingo"? - what is "Saks"? - what does it mean "a notion of demonstrating to yourself that the icon was powerless"? specifically I do not understand what "icon" stand for in this case, and how it is "powerless". (2)

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28 March

Featured answer

  • English (UK)
  • English (US)

- what is "wingo"?
It is advertising a product called "Wingo", and suggesting that if you use it you will become successful (perhaps the product in the photo)
- what is "Saks"?
Saks is a very famous department store
- what does it mean "a notion of demonstrating to yourself that the icon was powerless"? specifically I do not understand what "icon" stand for in this case, and how it is "powerless".
The original meaning of "icon" is a smallish painting on wood depicting Jesus or some other religious figure. People use them in prayer feeling that the painting has the power to assist their prayers to be heard and granted. So, he returned to this place with the idea (notion) of proving that the window mannequin, that resembled Amanda, did not hold any special power over him.

You sit down and allow the racket of the train to fill your head. You close your eyes. Soon the noise doesn't seem like noise and the motion doesn't feel like motion. You could fall asleep. You open your eyes and look at the ads. TRAIN FOR AN EXCITING NEW CAREER. BE AN INSTANT WINNER WITH WINGO! SOFT AND LOVELY HAIR RELAXER. BE A MODEL – OR JUST LOOK LIKE ONE. At Fiftieth you get off and walk up the stairs to the street. Walking east, you cross abrupt thermoclines as you move between the cool shadows of tall buildings and brief regions of direct sunlight. At Fifth Avenue you stand on the corner and look over at the long row of windows fronting Saks. You cross the street to the third window down from the uptown corner. The mannequin is gone. You count windows again. Where the Amanda mannequin had been is a new one with brunette acrylic on its head and a delicately upturned nose. You walk up and down the block, examining each of the mannequins. For a moment you think you have found it on Fiftieth Street, but the face is too angular and the nose is wrong. You came here with a notion of demonstrating to yourself that the icon was powerless, yet you are unsettled now that it is gone. What does this mean? You decide that it has disappeared because you were through with it, and you consider this a good omen. - what is "wingo"? - what is "Saks"? - what does it mean "a notion of demonstrating to yourself that the icon was powerless"? specifically I do not understand what "icon" stand for in this case, and how it is "powerless". (4)

Highly-rated answerer

You sit down and allow the racket of the train to fill your head. You close your eyes. Soon the noise doesn't seem like noise and the motion doesn't feel like motion. You could fall asleep. You open your eyes and look at the ads. TRAIN FOR AN EXCITING NEW CAREER. BE AN INSTANT WINNER WITH WINGO! SOFT AND LOVELY HAIR RELAXER. BE A MODEL – OR JUST LOOK LIKE ONE. At Fiftieth you get off and walk up the stairs to the street. Walking east, you cross abrupt thermoclines as you move between the cool shadows of tall buildings and brief regions of direct sunlight. At Fifth Avenue you stand on the corner and look over at the long row of windows fronting Saks. You cross the street to the third window down from the uptown corner. The mannequin is gone. You count windows again. Where the Amanda mannequin had been is a new one with brunette acrylic on its head and a delicately upturned nose. You walk up and down the block, examining each of the mannequins. For a moment you think you have found it on Fiftieth Street, but the face is too angular and the nose is wrong. You came here with a notion of demonstrating to yourself that the icon was powerless, yet you are unsettled now that it is gone. What does this mean? You decide that it has disappeared because you were through with it, and you consider this a good omen. - what is "wingo"? - what is "Saks"? - what does it mean "a notion of demonstrating to yourself that the icon was powerless"? specifically I do not understand what "icon" stand for in this case, and how it is "powerless". (5)

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You sit down and allow the racket of the train to fill your head. You close your eyes. Soon the noise doesn't seem like noise and the motion doesn't feel like motion. You could fall asleep. You open your eyes and look at the ads. TRAIN FOR AN EXCITING NEW CAREER. BE AN INSTANT WINNER WITH WINGO! SOFT AND LOVELY HAIR RELAXER. BE A MODEL – OR JUST LOOK LIKE ONE. At Fiftieth you get off and walk up the stairs to the street. Walking east, you cross abrupt thermoclines as you move between the cool shadows of tall buildings and brief regions of direct sunlight. At Fifth Avenue you stand on the corner and look over at the long row of windows fronting Saks. You cross the street to the third window down from the uptown corner. The mannequin is gone. You count windows again. Where the Amanda mannequin had been is a new one with brunette acrylic on its head and a delicately upturned nose. You walk up and down the block, examining each of the mannequins. For a moment you think you have found it on Fiftieth Street, but the face is too angular and the nose is wrong. You came here with a notion of demonstrating to yourself that the icon was powerless, yet you are unsettled now that it is gone. What does this mean? You decide that it has disappeared because you were through with it, and you consider this a good omen. - what is "wingo"? - what is "Saks"? - what does it mean "a notion of demonstrating to yourself that the icon was powerless"? specifically I do not understand what "icon" stand for in this case, and how it is "powerless". (11)


28 March

Show answer from the AI monga



在这段文字中,“icon”指的是指代性的符号或象征,可能是指代文中提到的Amanda mannequin,也就是一个具有象征意义的人偶。在这里,作者想要证明这个“icon”对自己来说是无力的,也就是说作者试图证明这个象征物对自己没有影响力,无法左右自己的情绪或行为。所以“icon”在这里是指一种象征物,而它被描述为“powerless”是指它对作者来说失去了影响力。

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28 March

  • English (UK)
  • English (US)

- what is "wingo"?
It is advertising a product called "Wingo", and suggesting that if you use it you will become successful (perhaps the product in the photo)
- what is "Saks"?
Saks is a very famous department store
- what does it mean "a notion of demonstrating to yourself that the icon was powerless"? specifically I do not understand what "icon" stand for in this case, and how it is "powerless".
The original meaning of "icon" is a smallish painting on wood depicting Jesus or some other religious figure. People use them in prayer feeling that the painting has the power to assist their prayers to be heard and granted. So, he returned to this place with the idea (notion) of proving that the window mannequin, that resembled Amanda, did not hold any special power over him.

You sit down and allow the racket of the train to fill your head. You close your eyes. Soon the noise doesn't seem like noise and the motion doesn't feel like motion. You could fall asleep. You open your eyes and look at the ads. TRAIN FOR AN EXCITING NEW CAREER. BE AN INSTANT WINNER WITH WINGO! SOFT AND LOVELY HAIR RELAXER. BE A MODEL – OR JUST LOOK LIKE ONE. At Fiftieth you get off and walk up the stairs to the street. Walking east, you cross abrupt thermoclines as you move between the cool shadows of tall buildings and brief regions of direct sunlight. At Fifth Avenue you stand on the corner and look over at the long row of windows fronting Saks. You cross the street to the third window down from the uptown corner. The mannequin is gone. You count windows again. Where the Amanda mannequin had been is a new one with brunette acrylic on its head and a delicately upturned nose. You walk up and down the block, examining each of the mannequins. For a moment you think you have found it on Fiftieth Street, but the face is too angular and the nose is wrong. You came here with a notion of demonstrating to yourself that the icon was powerless, yet you are unsettled now that it is gone. What does this mean? You decide that it has disappeared because you were through with it, and you consider this a good omen. - what is "wingo"? - what is "Saks"? - what does it mean "a notion of demonstrating to yourself that the icon was powerless"? specifically I do not understand what "icon" stand for in this case, and how it is "powerless". (13)

Highly-rated answerer

You sit down and allow the racket of the train to fill your head. You close your eyes. Soon the noise doesn't seem like noise and the motion doesn't feel like motion. You could fall asleep. You open your eyes and look at the ads. TRAIN FOR AN EXCITING NEW CAREER. BE AN INSTANT WINNER WITH WINGO! SOFT AND LOVELY HAIR RELAXER. BE A MODEL – OR JUST LOOK LIKE ONE. At Fiftieth you get off and walk up the stairs to the street. Walking east, you cross abrupt thermoclines as you move between the cool shadows of tall buildings and brief regions of direct sunlight. At Fifth Avenue you stand on the corner and look over at the long row of windows fronting Saks. You cross the street to the third window down from the uptown corner. The mannequin is gone. You count windows again. Where the Amanda mannequin had been is a new one with brunette acrylic on its head and a delicately upturned nose. You walk up and down the block, examining each of the mannequins. For a moment you think you have found it on Fiftieth Street, but the face is too angular and the nose is wrong. You came here with a notion of demonstrating to yourself that the icon was powerless, yet you are unsettled now that it is gone. What does this mean? You decide that it has disappeared because you were through with it, and you consider this a good omen. - what is "wingo"? - what is "Saks"? - what does it mean "a notion of demonstrating to yourself that the icon was powerless"? specifically I do not understand what "icon" stand for in this case, and how it is "powerless". (14)

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28 March

  • Simplified Chinese (China)

thank you! <3


28 March

  • English (UK)
  • English (US)

you're welcome 🤗


Highly-rated answerer

You sit down and allow the racket of the train to fill your head. You close your eyes. Soon the noise doesn't seem like noise and the motion doesn't feel like motion. You could fall asleep. You open your eyes and look at the ads. TRAIN FOR AN EXCITING NEW CAREER. BE AN INSTANT WINNER WITH WINGO! SOFT AND LOVELY HAIR RELAXER. BE A MODEL – OR JUST LOOK LIKE ONE. At Fiftieth you get off and walk up the stairs to the street. Walking east, you cross abrupt thermoclines as you move between the cool shadows of tall buildings and brief regions of direct sunlight. At Fifth Avenue you stand on the corner and look over at the long row of windows fronting Saks. You cross the street to the third window down from the uptown corner. The mannequin is gone. You count windows again. Where the Amanda mannequin had been is a new one with brunette acrylic on its head and a delicately upturned nose. You walk up and down the block, examining each of the mannequins. For a moment you think you have found it on Fiftieth Street, but the face is too angular and the nose is wrong. You came here with a notion of demonstrating to yourself that the icon was powerless, yet you are unsettled now that it is gone. What does this mean? You decide that it has disappeared because you were through with it, and you consider this a good omen. - what is "wingo"? - what is "Saks"? - what does it mean "a notion of demonstrating to yourself that the icon was powerless"? specifically I do not understand what "icon" stand for in this case, and how it is "powerless". (22)

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You sit down and allow the racket of the train to fill your head. You close your eyes. Soon the noise doesn't seem like noise and the motion doesn't feel like motion. You could fall asleep. You open your eyes and look at the ads. TRAIN FOR AN EXCITING NEW CAREER. BE AN INSTANT WINNER WITH WINGO! SOFT AND LOVELY HAIR RELAXER. BE A MODEL – OR JUST LOOK LIKE ONE. At Fiftieth you get off and walk up the stairs to the street. Walking east, you cross abrupt thermoclines as you move between the cool shadows of tall buildings and brief regions of direct sunlight. At Fifth Avenue you stand on the corner and look over at the long row of windows fronting Saks. You cross the street to the third window down from the uptown corner. The mannequin is gone. You count windows again. Where the Amanda mannequin had been is a new one with brunette acrylic on its head and a delicately upturned nose. You walk up and down the block, examining each of the mannequins. For a moment you think you have found it on Fiftieth Street, but the face is too angular and the nose is wrong. You came here with a notion of demonstrating to yourself that the icon was powerless, yet you are unsettled now that it is gone. What does this mean? You decide that it has disappeared because you were through with it, and you consider this a good omen. - what is "wingo"? - what is "Saks"? - what does it mean "a notion of demonstrating to yourself that the icon was powerless"? specifically I do not understand what "icon" stand for in this case, and how it is "powerless". (29)

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You sit down and allow the racket of the train to fill your head. You close your eyes. Soon the noise doesn't seem like noise and the motion doesn't feel like motion. You could fall asleep. You open your eyes and look at the ads. TRAIN FOR AN EXCITING NEW CAREER. BE AN INSTANT WINNER WITH WINGO! SOFT AND LOVELY HAIR RELAXER. BE A MODEL – OR JUST LOOK LIKE ONE. At Fiftieth you get off and walk up the stairs to the street. Walking east, you cross abrupt thermoclines as you move between the cool shadows of tall buildings and brief regions of direct sunlight. At Fifth Avenue you stand on the corner and look over at the long row of windows fronting Saks. You cross the street to the third window down from the uptown corner. The mannequin is gone. You count windows again. Where the Amanda mannequin had been is a new one with brunette acrylic on its head and a delicately upturned nose. You walk up and down the block, examining each of the mannequins. For a moment you think you have found it on Fiftieth Street, but the face is too angular and the nose is wrong. You came here with a notion of demonstrating to yourself that the icon was powerless, yet you are unsettled now that it is gone. What does this mean? You decide that it has disappeared because you were through with it, and you consider this a good omen. - what is "wingo"? - what is "Saks"? - what does it mean "a notion of demonstrating to yourself that the icon was powerless"? specifically I do not understand what "icon" stand for in this case, and how it is "powerless". (30)What’s this symbol?

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You sit down and allow the racket of the train to fill your head. You close your eyes. Soon the noise doesn't seem like noise and the motion doesn't feel like motion. You could fall asleep. You open your eyes and look at the ads. TRAIN FOR AN EXCITING NEW CAREER. BE AN INSTANT WINNER WITH WINGO! SOFT AND LOVELY HAIR RELAXER. BE A MODEL – OR JUST LOOK LIKE ONE. At Fiftieth you get off and walk up the stairs to the street. Walking east, you cross abrupt thermoclines as you move between the cool shadows of tall buildings and brief regions of direct sunlight. At Fifth Avenue you stand on the corner and look over at the long row of windows fronting Saks. You cross the street to the third window down from the uptown corner. The mannequin is gone. You count windows again. Where the Amanda mannequin had been is a new one with brunette acrylic on its head and a delicately upturned nose. You walk up and down the block, examining each of the mannequins. For a moment you think you have found it on Fiftieth Street, but the face is too angular and the nose is wrong. You came here with a notion of demonstrating to yourself that the icon was powerless, yet you are unsettled now that it is gone. What does this mean? You decide that it has disappeared because you were through with it, and you consider this a good omen. - what is "wingo"? - what is "Saks"? - what does it mean "a notion of demonstrating to yourself that the icon was powerless"? specifically I do not understand what "icon" stand for in this case, and how it is "powerless". (31)

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You sit down and allow the racket of the train to fill your head. You close your eyes. Soon the noise doesn't seem like noise and the motion doesn't feel like motion. You could fall asleep. You open your eyes and look at the ads. TRAIN FOR AN EXCITING NEW CAREER. BE AN INSTANT WINNER WITH WINGO! SOFT AND LOVELY HAIR RELAXER. BE A MODEL – OR JUST LOOK LIKE ONE. At Fiftieth you get off and walk up the stairs to the street. Walking east, you cross abrupt thermoclines as you move between the cool shadows of tall buildings and brief regions of direct sunlight. At Fifth Avenue you stand on the corner and look over at the long row of windows fronting Saks. You cross the street to the third window down from the uptown corner. The mannequin is gone. You count windows again. Where the Amanda mannequin had been is a new one with brunette acrylic on its head and a delicately upturned nose. You walk up and down the block, examining each of the mannequins. For a moment you think you have found it on Fiftieth Street, but the face is too angular and the nose is wrong. You came here with a notion of demonstrating to yourself that the icon was powerless, yet you are unsettled now that it is gone. What does this mean? You decide that it has disappeared because you were through with it, and you consider this a good omen. - what is "wingo"? - what is "Saks"? - what does it mean "a notion of demonstrating to yourself that the icon was powerless"? specifically I do not understand what "icon" stand for in this case, and how it is "powerless". (32)

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You sit down and allow the racket of the train to fill your head. You close your eyes. Soon the noise doesn't seem like noise and the motion doesn't feel like motion. You could fall asleep. You open your eyes and look at the ads. TRAIN FOR AN EXCITING NEW (2024)
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Name: Fr. Dewey Fisher

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