The Daily Delta from New Orleans, Louisiana (2024)

DRUGS AND MEDICINES rt i is CL mutw OFFIOB OF TP MAILT DB.TA, I New, Moulaj, inn. I cnr last report Iht Lve hits rortnoed aid doll Arrivala bare Uses fullowa i CRESCENT MUTUAL RfflORAXCE OOM-PAKT OF ShW OBLBAKH. Twelfth Annual In eonfbrniKy with their amended the em a- the fbllowltif etolomoot of Pranfame for tan mentra ealtnt toil AM, 1861 II ixrOKVN. Atr bbalbbb iv wnunn, Wlnee, Kin. Urantllre and 8UU-, FAMll.T AND Ml BAMHIIAVJ n.

Nox, 7 and 9 Poyiirxw 2 and 81 KrJtot (rrtLXANH. IjX. riraim-uuwnm pMrl ro BOAT f.TOBXU. PllMalloi, pr(rvs ror oanti or approve any And Asrents fur Stearaera P. 1.

OOVFOKI), OOLDttH AfJX, 1. W. viti.M. Aiiip nom For s. TV of leavtnf of the ebuv.

ha, eee tns propu 1H UWflR MISSISSIPPI, BIT? OBLEAKS, (JAIKO Am- ST, HTXAMKBa LOUIS X. X. flSCJi iam. i ill Thi for th taken Theufl on thi Slatef onr 0 two Dorn i to sw pnuis BKOHUABIXATION FOB IH PFKWFItT aBAaA rBmlB lhaU the onfthl iro. oi ine ronowln.

BploUd niutrancrar rAmmhn.ta bhii I n. Lionleand now tlrlean. day thrmtyhoal I an mm. a. oa.ur.itoD pemiie OBAMPIO Vooro, mn.tor, FAhLM O'JTY, Nwltur, mwrtn.

I ri uurril i. nyivn 1'w imriw until HIAWATHA. A. onrp not DoBtr nndei pmd ihoul wm Th' a en name soltlii to lii Die ri Th JfeW mada dillio an ar insto tingu Noi its afi if itr poeaifc Booth When 'IBPHAIalC PI I. la 8I0K HEADACHE, OURS NIH VOCfl HEAJ3A0HB, coan ALL KINDS OF HEADA0H1.

Xr th. aw of Uum Pllia th. parwale auaoai af few" ar Iall aw pivriot4)d and tf Ukn at the eeBmaaoawaw aaattMk Bmll.t. rallaf from gain and tiokiMa will bs ablaUl Tboy nldom (kn ia morloa thi WrwMa and Xurlnrti ta fnaalai ar rabjad Thrry ut sntlr upon lb. bowl rwrooTinf (Wmr For urn, AT, a-Jwiu, D.UoatB r.smim, and an sweat.

MaiAirw Aofritt, Mmv Bra vmlublB as a tnrrwlw, tmprortnt ki BjiliKlA stvlns awnand Hear ta th. dlitlr QrAnA Bad nawrla) the atand BlAittdtv and atranttk of tba whole arataak Tns CIPBALtO PTLU an tba nrall of tons lanBtlf.He ael earefnUr wndoottd apvtiDAnU, aarlns bM la BM bust dnrfiif whtoh tun. tbmr Iutb prevented and relieved a vast aranai Bf pale and enerins from Headaoha, whether ertttaailns te eat awveweretara er from a deranred atata of the efowiejea. Ther are entlrBlv vaaatabla la their eomporjIUoB, aod may kt taken at all ttma wilt Berfaot Mfi-7 wttboat mabinf any ahatiaa I Bad 0W aoeMM tf awe wtjriMf watte tread-, WM la ad BMW Umw ta oMidrwi. BIWAR1 or OODNTISrlini The sanune have Ave Bls-natareB of Henry 9.

Brraldlai ea eaai Bos. So Id br lrraxsVite and aU other Dealtre VwllolaBa, A Bex will be aaat by man, prepaid, ea raela! at the Prica, SS Cents. AO ertere ahenld be wMrwwMd HEXBT 0. BPALD1N0, OedAt etreel, Few Tr P0IX0irDr9 SPALDING'S CEPHALIC PILLf Wai. CONVXKCl ALL WHO BUFFER FROM HEADACHE, SPEEDY AND CERTAIN OUBI Iff WITHIN THKIK REACH.

AJ taste TawnaornALi waaa DirtouoiTaD it Urn, nmr aatoab UvatnanoirAaLa Pboof of tn Irn-A4 of tmu nnf ahjiimrmt. Ditwov-aar. ATI AUBirav ti VJO. ey, jr i Mm. Hp aldi ao fl! I have tril roar Cenhellc Pills, and I Ilk' then well, that I want yon to send me two doll worth more ran or ttieee are rer the aeiAnbora, to wtwrn fave a few etu of tn ri on i xrot iroot yon.

ena we ruts ay au, ana eonae yoax ooenieti eerin, JAJtxvd KRNNIO HATlKrOBB. Feb. f. 134 1, Mb. 8PALtiTfl Hlr I wish yon to send me on more box yonr japuaiio mue.

i nave receiver, a greai oaat oean no tbam. Your, reepectfully. HART ANN TOlRHOUBa ttreiioB ceaaa. Rintlwrtrm efaa. IK IMi H.

O. Sfaldiwi Sir Vi will pleruia nead me two bole tf IOtu Cephalic pule. Hend tiiem tm mHi te.r. Reopectfnllr, your, JOHN BTMONa P. I.

I have tued one box of roar Pi lit, aud dud tnam aaoallaai Baixa Vaanoa, Ohio, Jao. 1391 HlVBT O. BriltuXQ, Kaq. PI And Inoloned twenty Ivi twnta, tor wnicn ae me anotnar box ot your epbalio rule- Tbe' two truly tb beat Pliii I baT ever triad. Direct, A.

HTOVKR, P. Belle Vernon, Wyandot Coast, Bit tit Oee. 11, 1MB If. O. RTALBtiro, Keq.

I wlab for lome trircnlar or larva ao- Diui, io oi mg your i tinaaiio rut mere particularly oeior my on tomer. If you have itiiytt.irtf of hn kiii-i, boh 1 to tne tint) of uiv onuU'irnjil. wliti in snMrict to Ruvare litxklai'lu (neually ItantluK two dy,) waa eared ol an attack Is one hour kr yur riixa, wnicn i neni nvr. Vooat, respectfully, W. 8.

WILKU HSTFOLDta DKO, Praoklio Jan. 1WL Hiitbt HrALDfan. No. 48 Cedxtr treet. New Vork Dear Sir- Inelojd find twenty -live Tti) cent fvr rhkh send box of tepbJr run.

nflim to tne aonreaa or rteT. wm. u. liier HeynoiuiDtAit intuiiin county, "itio. Tour PI1U work like a charm ur Ueiidavihe almost rnitat.

iniiyyour, wi, c. riulJt YrsiLAFTl, Jan. I IMi Ma. riPALDias ttlr Not lone; itnee I sent to too for a boa Cephalic Pill for the cure of the Nervou UaadrK-he aid Ooltlv new, and rucelred the ttne, aud thoy hwd io good an eJToot Uaa wa Indaeed te saad for more Piastee tend by reiurs mail l) lr act to A. R.

WHEELER, TpuManU, Mloft LProm tb Examiner, Norfolk, Ve.j Cnhallo PIMn accunniiih the obi -of for which ther war Ti. Cure of Hoadttcbe, In all Ita forma. (From th Examiner, Norfolk, Va.J They have baeii ton tad Io mora Ulau a tlwiuMUid c-aefl, wit From the Democrat, Rt. dead, MIbilj ai jov sir sr. VI nai rjawii, truunioQ wild atim Dsa 1 mama ivr boa, (Oaphalic Pllla.) that yea atay have them tn eaa of au etleek iFrom the Advrtuer, Provldenea, K.

LI Tna Cenhalla Pill are aalJ to be a 'era able etTtMrive rwrnadv for the Headache, and one of the rm i boat fur tiikkt err haunan omplaiDt wbloh ba ever been dlnooYerod. IProta th Weatera Railroad Gaaette, Ohlcao, HI. Proa the Kanawha Valley Bur, Kanawha, Va.J Wa are lore that naraon Buffer iu with tha 1 ha ax-. Ifaem, wUl Uuk to thatn I From the aoathera Path -Finder, New Orleans, LA. Try them I yon that are affilcted, and we are nra that year MM tpony can be added to the alrendy nuineroue liet tAal ha raoei baiaxdlt that no other medicine can pruxUioa I From the M.

Louii Deaocrat. The immeti dwiwl for ihe axTtlcle (CethaJia Pilia) la rl4it reaatna. (Prom tbe Oaaette, Davenport, Iowa.) Mr. SDalllna would not connect hi. uixma wiLh an arilarla ha ot kuow poaa real merit.

(From the Advortker, Prorideace, ft. The veaUatony Is their favor i uouf, from the meat reapeetok aarter. a iFrom the Dally New. Newport, ft. I Oepnaik Pills are tabUif the plane ot all kind.

Prom the Uoaimarolal Bulletin, Boftoa, Maw. aid te be very n.oaoiaiu lor the bedechA. iPretatbe Commercial, (Mnelnnati, Ohle. ttiflarbig humanity ean now be relieved ftT-A Single bottle Sf iPALDtNU'i PREPARED (JLUft fare tea Utnee Re eost aonaally.eaaHr BPALDIKU'B PHLFAUKD OLOKI PALlUNO i PRKPARKD OLUEI PALDINti'B PREPARED ULUI I ati TulTricosBi BBtiB(m OOMOMV VIBPATUt A -Httob tot Hmoeeres alse. AsxTvajftanU mill banoMt.

evea la wall tvNralated rami ilea, a ti deaitable to have auue oUstap and ouuvuiaul way fei lepeirtai FiunaUti. Toys, Crockery, A IPALDINtl'R PREPARED ULUR meeta all oeh amervvMndee, and no household tan afford It) ed Witt it. it aiwxky raMiy, auu iHaiu (iwiua. USEFUL IN IVERT BOUHI. ft.

I. A Hrt-eb aoeomitaula each Bottle. Prloe, II oeot. AdAieee, UENRT O. 8PALDINO, N.

Oadai New Tr A 0T IO I AAkrixviD an Drill otl'ed nereon are attemuttna le aalm off aia auauatxwl'na putrilu, oi my fioudnwi liliut, 1 would all paivtuiw to eaaaiine uiue vuionMHiei- awdPALiUN'i'R PREPARED lal.UB eaieide wrppi i aun are ewtudUus EV ORLEANS. JACKSON AN'D GREAT NiilfTlfCliM RAILrlO Ml. Two tnilns lrnvn the Dcn nriiori.i'i:yil"loitennd Mn'moHit (tiroetn. (till II, wsA7 inHil train nt a ar tht -Npi trwln nt 7 Crloek p. M.

enld Io the rrlin vltloi in the Coi.fede' wte -Utvjp. Pi-r nu ihor iipply at the f.fuernl Ticket (tttite, 113 Camp utrciot. i tifRht ill he rrcelvel at the Dpot, f-ot tir atreet, as late pi r. iSuiuUy execptod. The Company not re-eponatiile lor lien by tiro.

xmirtlun Tmtn to MmrneTIi Imtpv on Sntnri!" at 4 a. KM-nrsldn liukBls at ball the rrttes, t-iud frrv. Saturday nrtll Mondfty. T. H.

I.LT -JH, Oener.ii Siip'iria'enile-tt. PONTCHAUTKAIN IUILHUaiD-UMMKR Antt.WflKMKNT. PARK To and From trie Lake, his I fTT I 'TT IT4 dAy, only 26 rent. fTO iL1. a 4 aT Please buy Ticket at the Offit-e, tudor Depot.

4fiS DEfABTURI OF OAKS. From th Cttr. i Fro-a the T.iV. 4 e'clock a. HnrflfrCar o'clock a.

Hiem rah fl 1 8 0 is 6 I til I 2 Thls will pcsUIt-Blr be tju) laat reirnlur sTe-vin t-m from ths Ii Ite to tLe city oo week davi. HO o'clock P. Horse Oar, The Steam Train will atop at OentUly p-atfim, -Ver not.fled, excTit, however, on Mall Trip and during th H-elf-honr trlpa on Hiiii-lay afternoon. Fare, 18 ceuta aaoh way, m.i Conductors must have timely notice to stop. SUNDAY ARRANOKMKNT.

On RnndRTa, fhe Steam Train will leare the city at 4 A. linn of the horne cur. Tho twin Tmln will lsare the city on Sunday every hoar, from 13 m. mm I II r. m.

The Cure, on Sundnrn lenre either end of the Road erery half honr, from 1 p. m. nntil 8 P. tmnihiiei lenva "tveet 'it tr1 PitW flre in1v'Tivv. PiBaentrecu ie earneaily lenueeted to pr irnre t'iir Tick et th untie'' the Depot.

Cliook, or return wUl be banded tuwu on me car a. miya. tf O. PAMDKT.T, SipeHu tendon t. 1REAT SOUTHERN iVIAIL HUt-To MEMPHIS AND CHARLESTON, aST TSNNaWEB ARi VIROINIA RAILROADS.

The recsLt obange of srhetlules renders the o.nrrket rent to tki NORTH AND BAST. MO DELAY AT GRAND JUNCTION KNTIRKLT THBOl7l 8LAVB TERRITORY Lit) MILES SHORTER THAN ANY OTHRH ROUTS. Cortnorte at Derarnr, with the TcnniMniee and Atahame Rm Iter Ntwhrillo. LoulaviUe. Cinofnnml.

Pllleb-ifir. Ao. At hvvvo; with NnBbTilfeund Chattiimiogii Ri41road. Shorter bysereialudfer titan olliei itnoH to theeo point. Thi i4 luideniahir the only Sonthern ar.d direct rotile frcta wm to all point North, Rt, Wmt, 8iii'li-wif, Ac.

Be hiiro to mil tor ticket-, via AtAii Roate." deeis Sro il.r,w.l Ann. TLLINOIS CENTRAL RAILROAD. ITT" rwffrmKi rffr'WJH UCIl't'SPWl Two Dully Train leave Cairo, moriilt.ff ed evening, npon the arrival OI vne trataa iroui reew vrieauia, tuitmAt.aj unavi with ntl wi and went. Time to New York 3 DAYS and 8 flOURS. In RnrJna niVil aind 12 For through ticket and IrlormuUon apppy at the offlee af tbt "JU- wTfe JOBrTROrr, Oennral Sup rirten dent, Cliiotgo.


time, 4 toe Hours Leas tlian Any OUi.r Iloota, Ti. Ik. NIW OBLEAKft, JACKSON AND OBKAT HOBTREBrt, HlHUJSSU'l'l arid UEMPHIS AND OHIO BA1LBOADS PnBplin.r. Tlrkot. vt.

HnmtMlilt. For Tlob.t. and further Irfov nuilon at lui taoip MrMt. and at Hi. It.pot of tbe Jarkm Xiulioad BBN ILElf I).

HA3KI.L, unw RnvJnan and u.n.ral aopennianaawv. X. P. WHFRI.BB. Qon.r.1 TIciM Ainnt.

OKO. W. BHAIILRV, llan.r rtodilrn AwnL mayf Sm DENTISTRY. A RTIFICIAL TEETH Thb best, cheapest A Rv and meet renieta tierttal tutafiimrtmcnt la new -xPVw- Orleauj. I R.

KIUi4lNU'H. His Cana. atroat. Hta fvAHlRlaa lav matiiiDniatrna Arttn-Sal TtMth re nnaarnaMaedbT anr Pravuticai DauUat ib he Hun hero H' detVliixr oomDvrtliion and at oi lco charKJ br tit a IneirMr Aaiinaw. p*rnon reoulrififc ati peri or Dentin: rr.

ebonld oroinra fl ax I are ioey oan reiy npon torn axperiauiv. aauj aui miegruy Wfii-A tal 8 can prciuce Every Aitlhcial Tooth I of aorraang beattty, which mi BO' he detrtH'ifMt from th vary production of nature, reatni lug that nnlformity to tb feutursn no emnli to youih and hearuy. and run ted sttfrictorT for rna'tlcaiiun and articulation. pa imi wa Tki i'i'U it-ra aitti iu m. Bonn wiiuuut um, anjjor xwiiiiir nciora a.t'ain praferion, astouUblng ail who It.

au onoraiiona in ittnnsiry wtrj cae ana wu nr. Tot ana uutiir are uiiaQi-n taAea otuera. mki plied Tfth remodeled aid i atirotit modora.e At follow inif piium, a wrttlen sctmrHi-ieej tiuh tf derdMd, aud if not fvaud a alter two mm 1' 1 ti-tl, t'jtiif ine; 7 -Bill he re'll ilt'l. I eeta on Stor nir Milvar Luib. I'S Fall acta Sndat tinirifi bfiimn, bound 40 Full nets vuloMiiUed Rufefxtr, equal to irclrt, fmn: fo Kil "nil aata IK enret mild atwe.

bei.ulliul. rn.m sil Full aele on 32 caret gold baie, from 'o to lit ine mAMUpeitect emittjAl tatn oe proo-j-Jod. Thnaa rea-ilriai' Ai ill Teeth are T-'tsmd stll end xamlue before eiigiviriuaj ateevhere ft. ritfiiuin, I'i'W wnrfeot. fjoST Zr A St a A DENTAL BUPOEO.VS, CANAL BTRKET.

in. IM Teeth extraoted wlthont pain nw Inap'oreuiert rm ctloro.crm. All operatidus parfcAmed airdiug to the i iraprcv ment in the art ArtiflciaJ TeeLh, with gold, platlna, or the new axi ctesp Vcroanl Baae. Prlcea to a tbe time ttutd Awly A TTENT10N XOTICE TO THE PR0- FKbtifCN. 91 IH itmromio at reek, near Catiel.

The Nt RLE Ma S'' TIIKKN IKNTAL fEPOT Is fully auppiiiHl with sn-'eriur Hold nnd 1 K' 1-a of -'otHLri inanu- THcuire, HuueiiMoi iwn, xiii an tunc ea requiroa oy tne Piot i tm. at thi low1 lUrtrket priuea. at. Tl.e public ia ii-reiiy i-uiined ifcit Isj KH CM AND-B' is In 110 Watv counu ti tiau Ijeatnl lijoot. No.

IS lipU le Air June IS tf TH. ANFtt, Jf. MEDICAL. I) a. JAM KB BURNS Office and resMonoa V.tA:UlN ATIL'N DH.

lALTO haa rvAceiredaamallBauDlrofOKNUINK VACOINR AlATTKlS and would advlaa nil who ure not prttocted from En nil Pos, to aa' no irwi m. iiUAniiW aireei, ana no vm-ciimrtiq. ar-riv COUTHERN MEDICAL UOUBBFoundod Id 184A. The aiuHition of franrs and utnera vltit-fa New Otlean aied to till MH-DIIIAU fcTABLlNIIHxf I'. ThoM reuniriug aurgical or uedioixl aid can rely on nromnl aiten on, pajroitaueut oure and moderate ohartfe.

PfirtlDu.tii atU'iiliou oald to the tiOtVmtu.t of all Act to and ChrcnW DUeatKea of the Nervoua Syaioin and Jemto Ufluarj- Orfm etru urialiixi Sninal AtTwaloua, Paralvei. Chorea. UttlliiiLia Uiabxd Strlcturee in every fom, Dlaeaaeaof the EldnevB, bladder and Pros trate (iiand, Merottrlal AtTetUioiia, Hcroiula and Jilitttaaiy nf therein. leo oomprlauig rilmary, Neooudary, Tertiary aud Hertvtiitrtry Hyph-Ha. aitAUriiiiaf In their dltfereut atairea uluerxii tou nt iie-ui Throat, leetrootiou of the Palate, Nodu on tbe Brntw.

(lone of naii-,) i'alna, (noottuuai) reaaubllog aud Ollati taatLxd foi rhoviniatiam, blotch, SPERM ATORRHUEA. aparlal attaaitaaj paid to oa of Spwmatorrlosa. arttrtnr from iiaiiUm, (eeli-Aibaae.) or other oattM. For lull PVticuAxbia. eee 'Troailee," to be had at th omceT Patient treateu 101 una atuionaoate maladr by met reoeni and Ho4jUv method, aomptlelng the K1.AXTBO MAuNkTtf.

applications le the Siina, Atmptu.cture, aud, tt nr'irnarj. (ltu.iaar Suiirlcal operations performed fr Pitttila In A no nrtrary tn ths Perl uauin. oouiumnloaihig with th Urethra, Hydrooel Peraotte applying on the brat symptoms of Arnte tp lf1o ATtiZS0 L. 11. Tlll)Mi-l)N, U.l 111 Between Pov jirrH bouiajaUn.Poya,,, omo.b,ii,.yr.nT ioSf a.

m.ylll ly FOlt RENT FOR III RE. qiO RENT Until Novemhor tiext-Tue Boo- aoW.l.!a of t-'lju lr and latlaa iZtoEt btk 1 apply l1 KEivT Twti Cottamtx, hFx iouiui i ENT-Tlie Hi.iihb N. 1 16 B'. J.wTplt Ml, a few dtAor fr.m. r' A Mr Io.

I Liiuirc on Hi. pt.uiiM. ti. i 1,1. riio rem bl 67 A lal iwupukI by HAl'KBV A IIA r.

PHOlTKRlN. ia A RLKH BiTrS V-A aui! a TonouoiiouiB. A "OROF. MILLER'S HAIR TNVIOORA. TOT! an (h'tlwa.

efe and ertrnfimlcal eomrnnnrt. FOR RvroOi) UR HAIR to It oriKtual eok withoit fwk, ii.f. i BMiiMNnia curmrn, wniti men i MMl ll MUD eo effort 'on of Pce-lp. FUR HKAUTTi-'riNti THK HATR. imparting to 11 Mi BBeqneler Gonn on.

Henry, tbmiii it ami aim atur im texture, end oeua iltto curl nwtrfiiT. the treat MO tt mrwunny rtmMin for thl mTHled prwnrBiun, convmcf ine urnpneior mm nmi ui 01)17 DKNM7 10 iwirr niccerri.iig In public of ltnperir qnatltlesovor any 'llMT. Ih hitlr I I MM. inmnna Mid vlgJr to th rontii, una rMiorv 1141 htvwto 10 inc D.rW wbit MTv bovoiub ranim. 11 to yi.ia rrmn corortu Tlwro V9 hanilrMR cif lp11.

w.m,.inn In vorfc hud hftlr rtoT1 br th. of thl r.1in'ori wbeMI oth.r pmpr.OTjs hnd fHKt. L. M. bM hi hh pm9ton ltlTa nnmf.b!.

t.tifVtti to the bov. r.rln, fro" prtn i tha tMpeeutillltT. fl will pmrxil II" from loral KTj until th. I.foul ppHod of Hf. ivid hi wh.r.

th. hfjri lrMdy lu color, th. hm lh" InTtKonitor will ea tolnlj Moil It to It. orltinl i lto 'I d.rk, Ilnri BppM A a.tfojo for th. toll IIlr II In II Honl.rl7 rKommidiKl, ranwbl. arht-h bt1 farllitlM It Io 'h. hlr. whir, via nioliit rtt rwqnlrorj form to wrT. Mr, pi c.

whtbr pl.hi or In cnrls bono. th. srot d.rawid for It br th. Utirw" lollol whlrrh noil, be wlthool me tli pro plwcr. II within th.

rwrwh of -II, brtnjt O.VI.T TWKSr fi '1 to h. bAd at all ra.pKt.bK dTitovlitla' Atari prTTfnnwrk. would cull the Atwnifkm of rr.tii Mil rnnrdlnna to Ih a ot bi- Inrlfformtor, tn cm whnr th chiMrro'i twlr IticIIdm ThcsMof ttla-sth fenndfttton for good hrnid cf (Wr, n.i (1 roQirTvM ny lmpnrfiif thitt ma tur beoinj oonrertcti1 rl'h tfaeMrAla. th rymoTl of which Im nakWMrr botb ftw lb hewlife Hf lh chi I th futur ptrur oftts hir. CAttmurf Nn renu.D without the f- nirnit LOTTTH Mni onth eator wrappr L.

BA1JI IMVIUO BATOR, N. T.i blown Id thflglaM. Wholm! Oepo. ltr trtrtwi, xt wM fey tr.ll tb iTtaWlpl cbAnt- ud rruTaf1rtAi thrunitboat th world, LIUrl dincount to pnrohiwwr by ib qnantlty. 1 also do.r to prnt to th American public mj PnW Did la revod InntwiUneoo LIUUII HAltt DTK, which, fnr jitii cfmttltlc aeM-imaiiUn I bav bronfiht to prffjction.

It iym hlkok tr brown latamly wlhot Injnry loth hair kio watraa' 'Jse barit article of th kind in axintavio Psuaa, alf 60 emit Depot, Der fftracU NRY (iOLDMANN'8 PH(ENIX DRUO BTORB, II and 9 OAJfaL STREET II and B. I bsT to Inform rm frimds and ihm hi a fw dm from uow will opn mj now atora th old Hand, oorntw of OtuiaJ and IaOtm titrMU. rr ship Wavolnirtou, frotn Harnbora, I will fwaatv a larrn ana frattt arle-ty of Biva and rare DrTiirt. Herb, Boot, which, wild thou jfool I ho alrdj ractvor and am recjftii from alt Burn ot'the slobe. will form a rood an amortnifMit at I rjr bad be: or, ainl a etui not bo round bMtr la any ana ngU dmff utor Lb too VntA Mtatta tlOVal nKKnl UWIilSiW AVH.

LOST-FOUND-RUN AWAY rrnvEXTY-FivE DOLLARS REWARD JL Rvi 1 loft ehoooUl. wbt. clloo, end. Bngm coiorwi hmwi iruiiiKorciii.i. crrioo on trMo baregi nn txinnrA uid a bundi.

of Ho. mr atUwnpt to poab ha eelf ff frM. O.ptnlnriof itanmhoBt. Br. notllwl not to rweetT.iwa' Inv.

on I will pj th. abore r.ward to any p.rM who will iutou and d.Uw hw to mo. BUrX If J. B.

COTTON, 11 Brrlung. riAM Iirrr dollars reward Kan wy, rroRt If 1 I.aur) rart, on Ihe 19 June lnt a dick BJ gnfTe tdAii, nnjuHi KKTOK. or I vrnn. alia Henry, nvfol l9 1k)ui rnr beU-H ail 5 fett 1 inch; hail, a ii'umerer trnd, hpetiliiitbT French mikI KiiiflUh tm rn nfil writ. n.ii -m will likclv pn I 'lii'dl off hi frrfinta.

I lud on wdmi It left a rtk a'pitci sari ctmi, winia prtnib rino mtk co ored fell Hal tMpliil'ia n1 rffinbonti and raiito.d ti9icrt are r.ollhd nit to reive hint on tbeJi buuti or tars. Ho imhj attemit tg gt oil to Mo t.i I. I will fur t1e aVtva reward to any peroi who will arrpt and aeiivrr i auciir.iL. J. hkkkian, tfj Laurel ntrcet, 0T1CE.

On the 12(h of April we mailed lttr(o ROSfmiLD, BKKNllKIMkH HALOHON, New York, i B. LILMrman. datd Nw (irJtmn. AnrU ltih. at 6 and IS mnnthsi own orar, m.p ror wivt 04 ttm if tor nerer narlnx rvtcliad (a detonation, tha putilia era cautioned ajratntt nnifo tinting tb ev TV a mm, nnni T7 and Tchoupltonlasi treet.

TWO HUNDRED AND FIFT7 MLlilRl RBWARI Lroatoi atolea, between 11 and It o'clock, April a Bnekmkin inr-, oontainiur Fifty Dollar California Gold F(eoa Tbe aboT reward will paid for th reoovary of tba aama, or tt proportion far tb amount reeoTered. Hroker and other ai aaatei1 to aup any per" ottmiut eao aunar tor eala Apply. tTii ofllca. turl tf 10 ST Betweea Washington and Union Bttretx. on Nt.

nharlei. a pit rt of a CHAIN, with a vmall eeal Attached. Iu tntritmio vnln la email, but It I hifrbly vrtlued hjf the owuer on ereoiinl of connected with It. Thetiiider will recalve a lloeral irard Uv laavlua It at 49 I'nlon treet, J.i pMif FOUND Two email Rafte of Biiare Titnbei In drift In laaka onich art ruin. The owner ia rmntairtd oome forward, prove propeity and pay all axpeneee.

ApjiIt to Ban am" at. atiitai. IOUND A Carpet Ban, iu the river, con-. talntuK clothe and letters, e.l.jrested HKNRV 8. WARD, ij'i'n lbt uitv bettn lii with iu Chmr of rwlke.

EDUCATIONAL. SNNBR A 0 A VICTOR PiuroiPAU fhe Flftk Iteaaloti of thl Inntitntlon commonctvl on kfONiva within an hour' ride of the cl'y, coiuLina the adwiUai pr nxviuaiun, miii won ooriy pi Hi-vejee For FrXMieclmi, xnidten the Prliicipai. Rarecst-oa in tub Oitt c*nt. J. J.

Mrown lr. if. iioL day L. liuliwtg, at Riilly 4 Samuel Loeke Chat nowrniui niuon vwantnnuu(B n. uuver, ootc oi innnia Jg 0 A I 0N A 0 A Rl URf.

O. f. WINlHaiw riMitt'ully nno-inevj that ine will (ei dut rtyxltlsncee a ViHlthm TetKr. hhe will tf'ra lisuui, uwy bti d'uilred, In any or all the ditl'efeit brnuh of Html ink, est) iu th Frenca and Lattln langnm tdn. W.

a ill rnrflmr yoniiK fatt'Atj e'jout luuxrjiittt, or nuTlnir otiLsnad tbe oivllunr; caool tii-il. In a ronrne of 'eriut fliwi Uteiittaru and xlnt4 no, enr and Elocution, oi atboruiiKi, review of inriUft traiatnai'. a aiaad to tLLa port or :1 For pariic juai, addrts Mr. F. vTindi, Dalta ogee.

jant. BT. JAM KB, LA fjt liereatftnr the Htn-leut who wllhdrnwi from th Collcc arb rtn'mtl i.i of the third rokrnlHr 'iiiatr'eii'. 'o cunfelder'rd a below liK no to jre to thu aatabllnhinant, aud wit) only be bis paini the Him! reuutar rjiwrler ofoeld yenr. No Kbove th we of Iliieon yoar be admtrtad wltnoi aavluir Dftluad 'iurwnavut of the 'twiiAffliiLacoo Ailmleeloa, ibjrObjr tun Piee'denl uopie of i niiH via: pi-oepermii nay be otv-Kinad by appiint ta.

TiTtwU-ew and FraetJeiiL, or to A- W. T'UOin. av itraw-tf N. O. otTiTtf O.

UDOUxS, Prottldatii MR. lot T. M. LAFONT, Bachelor of Aro the Frmiob OniTerlti. es Profeewr la Uta InjDerial iMtum of

Prottnuior of tho ft'reiith Ton if tie. and Ltterainr lidtln. Iireek. Of*ckranh. Httitorw and SnauUb Lanarnaca wl ptjnd oiu oonrt In private leeaoiiav Apply No.

167 Uraruuii atreat airs. ti. LtJLrt'H (rmviuea i'n aip.oma or aanaiiy, IrM trtMsi of an Aatdecny is Hordeans. dJ laialv In the at Tnbta. aoiiie hnura a diiv in the 1 1 taraiief-af ediir-atiott In Frentib end HpataUb Uataffia Applr at Ma II? rH meae etrai- miu COPAJtTNERSniP.

ISBOLUTION. The pxrtnerxlilp of PAYNE nAnmnuii te im any oiHoiveit ny tnmnai oonteni Either ir nartuer will attend to Ihe xaittlesment of tha tkutiliiaea of Lha oouoena. aud the aauiw of Ibe laU oru will be axed only tn llaeid Uoa, U. rAVNrf, J. P.


Xew Orlaane, r.oro.rj IS, 19B1. IHE UNDERSIGNED HAVE FORMED A ooD.rtnerihln. iu thl. oltv. nndr th.

Arm of PATNK. HUNT lKin UTON A ud will ooittiuu. th. ud UointuU lea th. bt.

firm of Payne A H.rrUon. J. U. fATKS. W.


P.brurv 18, last. f.tiWJ THE (XIPAKTNERSHIP HERETOPtJKI Bxliftna between Ibe inbaortber, eudet a name of UOLLaM NOON AN, dlwoleadby niataai couxouL CHAH. C. COLLI Nfl, nftRNEUUN MOON A If aw Orlaaa. ayautiaiy ai, lew lauV THE If ND ER DAI fertned a and will eontlnaa tie wholeaale and tall grocery tMaluuep- of the late 0 rm Of Col Hue A Nooi.aiil, aad-i I oajse and atyle of OoLLINrt, CARRiKRIC A ai.dtl ea er Mte late arm of ijoiu a pi(xiii.

Hit AH. U. UOI.lAlJIfc CAR RUHR, aao. mk an auuary at, iejrj. BUILDING MATERIALSe SAML MotUNNELL at the Old Hand or ThiAiiiae array Uorseff af ladef ataA Jail, areaeU, New Hsvain- lUreoo hand a mv aaeorunant af alMaVii rU)RIDA TRa nW PINK LUMttKR well txMawnad.

Nil tkm 'aei af nuxeiud. tuuifued aud roved Tallow llu Ptoarloa 1 4nti lachei thlok eWiUtlU feel of uitfued and AWwd Telle Pi OA (JeUlnf and Uioltee. narrow iiq wide. I earl h4imwv elm Yellow Pine Klourlnt, IU lih Ittkfc. feel d'wse lelUw Ptne Weather Roardi, JU UUU feel Veliow Pine, 1, I 1 ti.

Utd lltoA Plank. i 'eel Veil It- Pil axatoruJ of xUila oi4t fjt etilu. i u-iatuia fur bkitidti purpoeee WktMu lee vpiiawi PlauA 1. 1 IU, 1A. aud I Uba nitk dU.tJUi lawtbi rtMu jiiui4a Alio, on hand -i a ued to ordef, froai tb teat auterlai.

bMb 'Oora, UHiitl. ullliici. luYtt ibe of Ibe vxada to on etoob. ll orJ 'iji rtl, and i)ealnr' RaulutAif Hi. nher'e '''iaiSMi tn oa.

wil Miaat wiut pruiaiut at OLA I B. lattiLae, RAWattLeaa a Foolvi Fia-. ante ts Fiunoa, ktiown aa i of rounb and Aieeued Looti-u ftr 'ui(M fur ipuiiut In any t4wiiUi Oil, biUfWH itr tiiu, ItteMlabf VOaAat MDHHtf A (UiafdU (Almrfuid JulU "tf "Jea NTiAl I aa t.Q. RANwavMeo la UiuaAA, duMJ.U. fooiil rry Viu Uou V.

a Johnson. B-d Blv.r. VicKhirfr. J. A.

otlen, B.jou 3.1a. I'prt Adoro. Ei.

No 7, Ouacldt. Btver. Ihe Win. 8. Jobnstrto.

from Btd Kier, Mporti H'cl*t rlee In Upiwr lino Plver, which allowed the Ikia to r.e tbrnigh Urrc' ST. iv--. Th bra Bo. 4. and 6.

Bed Blartd Io ectxe' do-. w'lih corn mint Hnr, v. port, end whether tor woipo reaoir up ed Hirer conntTV are re-tinned to in fine condition by Capt. Hammond, or S-f The steamer Vitksbure; eeme xcro-e lit river on Sunday, nod look" at Rood ei new. Btie in tip ton order, and readv to reauoia her regular Tbnrsdaj trip.

Mary aj tiiual. waa loaded wi'Ji a enmnur cargo, constating of pcathca, apples, that are many days it la the Intention of Capt. Lanooe to lay the J. a.Cottrn, and tn inhitltnte Ibe Acadia io ber place. Tie 1-aorel Hill wil! tben reinme her rcsalar tiipa to Fort Ademe Ihe aKamrr ()mo Tete la alio read; to come oat aa toon ea balneal! fball otify.

ttlearapb reporta the barnina of the eteamcr Lcblh at Cincinnati. Bhewne an old boat, and. It ia aald, waa fired by an incendiary, it i. r.ihor rnilnui that the narrowly earaped dmttuc- tior. nearly nt ago at St.

lrala, coder eim'lar clr-cnaiitanoea. Wo believe that the deceased packet of the eiotnwbeol pereoaaion. Msuruu. June 23 The rrrer la declining. -Very ll IIUi.

rciurflnj' tloui' I. lire .7011102. BOATS LI ATI NO. Mirt T.For Vicktburc paeaenger paiiet wilt leave In plaoe of Magenta at 5 r. to-day wlih Capt.

lloim on deck, and Oapt. J. Smith ill eharve of the Bc. Fob Ocacuita rriR-7e fUamtr Tra To. T.

Ctnt ln Mno tart out wnn tne npoi oraogm vaietr-im r' Era No. for her nual landings on i i a n'rliwlr thi. afti-rnaon. Mr. Ed.

HdiM la the olerk of tbe boat. 'aBer packet will leave at 6 o'clock thia afternoon for Ki lupiiMl ana uie oeva; win puciiu iw hi Bia oJirlna Cpt. W. 8. Harpu la ber clerk.

W. J. JoHHSTON-for Iltd iiifT Tbla One, light dnapht packtt will atari ont for bhreveport at 5 Ibis altersooa. Capt. Ban Hammond lain oosuind.

COMMERCIAL. omnK OF TH daii.t nm.TA. 1 Vaw O.LAAIH, Monbr Kniiia, Jua. 21, IP61. COTTON Tfccre baa been acme little Inquiry, bat we liter of do sale.

VAranav or aorrea. Riflk biM AmMutrer 1. UAQ 34 inved WlM. T4.1M one XrttnUi to-af tHUMd aiHWl7 It we aa bane aaS at tlut DEACCO Nothing rrj otltd. nimiit or loitcoe, 8r i htm lit Sapwobw.

lmq. Ut-dHT SMtr4 as, 237 tnv-e? i-a im Azpeiua tntintlt MUM aa SaM am sliana 1. U(UB AND UOLiSSES-Tkcre hue been a few ansa aalea at previooe rates. FLOUB-60 bbla. low extra at 17 IS, 70 fair extra at te ZS, and 100 ordinary ez'ru at 9 bbl.

SriUITS TUUPE.riNL;-30 bbla. (pine barreli) so.d at Jan. gallon. WElSKY-BectiUil ia rctallios at 37jt0o. ion.

rcnE-Mesa Is retailing at IM 60 bbl. XiABD Prime, la ticruci, retails at 10J, and In ItegaKo tAOON Shouldera retail at 11, ribbed aldea 14, clear aids 14, and wir-cored bama Millie. lb. CORN, OATS, B11AX AND HAV-Nothlug re-ptKd. CQrFHB.102 baga Iilo aold at 19c.

i lb. OiiTTLll HAIIKST. JarraRsoir Cm, AI0.1DAT VTRiiiiia, Jan. at aince Uat Batorday avening Texaa and 31 Veal Cattle. eJaloaof to-day: 11)0 Texaa Cattle, 15 Boge.

213 Sheep, aod 160 Veal Catlle. Btoek on aale evening 1798 Texas Cattle, 470 609 Sheep, and 6:2 Veal Cattle. Hie market continues bare of Western Bout and Milch Cowh. Prices Bear OAttl fr.iteni, Bra CM-iI McouaquMitir fUttl. Tmxm, tlr4 qnnllit hvMbd im on T.ui, HCODQ qaiur beted a IB f'Dp, cbok.

Hbtf. ID ltl. feu -1-iJ ttewi, Aral BTinA Mooud,.. bead 00 (XI A 4 Ta at r.oe a iv MARINE INTELLIGENCE POUT OF M.W OHLKAilS. orriCl Vt THE DAILY Tuu 'lay rniiis.

jtiue i iJlraratf alrtJsiTt De eadn, Kauile, hi Mobil, JJunlliiftea A Oro Arrived on Bund aw, TtCAalHOATH Htiinniin fro; Rii Blvtr. ry Ik-m Vukb Ai I'ut'riJ, titaaiito. Inuu UajVu biirs. 4rrlwa Yaacerttay. TNAHUOATa., flHTAtaiu. from AiH'lla, IIv-iki, fmni Pori Atltut. Kntiilrn I' lull. UrmH, l.twar CahbH. Ktat No 7.

Muore, libtu Outti.Liu Hjvr. M. i porta. fcr l.I. Per uhooiwr itt.tiia jJ kj torn IW) onte do WtMlika twau.

Ke elpta at Ilia New Uaalii. PAf rAfJOUL -l'ei etavautur IttO buleuafal to Hcoetiita fruin Ihe Interior "VIOKsh*tRU Per kteainttr Mmy 3 hi In. notion John Wutt A oo II v.l-niiai. HrltUiii A WithuM do II A at Allou At'OaOH pkl'MTr-H kn po'iaTooi irut -Tuietl IH uhIo cuttou faKJ KjVKft rer leauier Jtunttitn UHicottcn to ai nuatciv Mi-vi imnihhi rrauiar a ou ly Acu TdaJ, baleet-ottoa. KOKT AliAMK-Prateamer Aeadla ldbhd.enn If nordew, jr it) ilo Wwit, Viller ii de lui t-bl mtiluti Humwu A Kent tun Se tie Miitiarf UrtH- Tib corn (Mi akt aitiitwtilua 4 Norw 4vd bn.ui iwllU II ltchford Aro 57 p.

und vuu ao ball SKrO (Jen tlrlvot (M eka ptilalutia aiid eutidi to ordai 17 kllil IlkfN 1 4 tetiU WlilNHIae IjOWKR OOAHT Pei ittmcr tmnlri I'arlub 99 bbl. molewwi If do 6 litiiU (tnti Uoy Aco HI bhU molaMw ltj' fcf do IVaoevn-ir, xk th'o IT A io ortler RIVKk fttr ItM.iiio Ere No 7 it bele eottop to a A llm Ari do laWiul llejielt lij elu eottwa wtit aud arj er actief ace I pie bjr ltallrogiil KFW ORLKANH At it HON AND tiRKAT NORTH It ANiiM Jmte tMUea tAtiyb AUu- 1 do A Urouweli tilal. ft kalea gOUilCRN HOME EN TKR I tf i TISST-CLASb BTKAkt SOAP FAOTOBT, aadar Iba maufwnil af A SOAf MAMUFAOTURXX. fun tnt anurprlwar ite bind, ea UUKBAL BOA1J. aver S1UAUU4 la k.w Orlwioe for oouUiara B4UolMe, rtCJCAI CHEMICAL til) ITEAM 10 AF WOBU AVrant, Netre Ouaa and Kulton etreete Ft3H tte Xlver, Jbu bolow Ui.

IHwuiUp landing-, kmr Oilau. 1TIST TARIXTt OF aOAF XAXUFAOTllBfcO am wwTUilAd oeiul la avwry noM to lb. ulioloM Marthwrn kraudi a tAw l.h. sredw nd prkM, and Jut a obmp. giio Ui.

Nirw Orlwui. hom*o auuurolBrd PKi.ll k---f a Uh and aublAMd itW, aud yog will uevor injnb iwrdiu, Xwr4i alj BHir. tvr lent esauaudii. a. wmixa.

rreaiwui IU BAnufaeunid lull Uie atulwta aaitw, u. lariSlb Art AND iYi' TAUT. At IB-1 core te b. bad far above aliaMiB at Mo in i -Kroat, Ulwoan Uuismidi ud u.upUUie eifHU. IH'-J, Ill.Ulilt Hall.r Ui.4,, bo tutoat, M.IB ainl tor Aa A ti irerleof Sore, aud tlearf tbouBb d.nve Iron aeei J.I fur UouiurrL JOl, UI ru, li.

X.baUi, Ou.h vTvUA, aud r.v, Ac tlp.ji.1 fat i4i uid err diMie -JuflJilAtwi af perMm. oiuwl of It. dlMaaii mu d. .4 ike Iiwiub, ttos, and aiau la utiae. Wa, lit Hi 1,,.

at my more aiay be aaoa. OvrivS lloua. Fioni 1 te IU r. x- ar.ry dv- bm auo TI from I to 11 A. X- dvc-lli'ii' A rreralame on Fir ee Marin Rink River m-m UMH 14 Amonntof aroed premlams tar tec monthi endiuA StAh April, ism Loeae paM dtirlug earn period, Oa Fire Riiki 1 4J Marine Rl-k Biter Blakl.e 1.16 680 34 tiU.iiii Si Dednot fnterreet, dlaeannt, Ac, leaf fenjrl expeoaee, reiniurance, eoailQarefit faBd, profit and loM.e.a 4,448 71 -41f tW It Met proflti to 80th April, 1361.

The company have the following tIi Loans on pledge of Bank and Public. Stocks Loan on Bond and Bills receivable at short time for Prenlua Dae for premlams In eoarae of collect loa Loan for Defenee ef the Confederate IfkJO flharee Bank Block OonaolldatedSlx Per Cent. City Bond tdOiUOO City Six Per Cent. Bonds issued to railroad com panlee 40.000 00 Scrip of other companies 13,590 00 Real Kstate ftO.000 00 91,781 SS Total amoant RTATNOr LOtni1AA, Pailah of Orleans, City nf New Orlaaoa. Be tt remembered, that oo the 11th of May, 1361, bafsre me, th anderslrrted, a Jaatlce of the Peace, In and for the city afermaM peraonaUy appeared THOMAS A.

ADAMS, President, aod O. BPRATT, Secretary, ef the Crescot tttnal Innrance Company ef Mew Orlaana, who, being duly sworn according; to law, do depoae and ay that the forefjotnt acsoonte are Jaet end true, and a eor- laet Initeoript from the books ef th company. THOMAH A. ADAMS, President G. W.

SPRA1 Secretary. Bnbecifhed and sworn to In lVw Orleans, this 11th day of May, 1981, before ma P. MITCHELL. Second J. P.

The Board of TrnsteiM bars reaolved to pay INTEREST at the rate of SIX per cent, per anaum, in cash, oo all outstanding Cor- tlQcate of Profits, to the holders thereof or their lejal representa-tlree, on and after th Second Monday (IWh duy) of June next. And after reserving orer ONE MILLION OF DOLLARS Profit to redeem FORTY per cent (40 per cent.) el the Isaoe payable a follow-, Tht Twenty par cent, on the second Monday (10th day) of Jin next Twenty per cent, on the second Monday day) ef September next. They hare alto declared a SCRIP DIVIDEND of THIRTT per oent. on the net earned premlams of the Company for the pest ten months ending 80th April, 1861, for which certificates wOl be Uad on and after aecood Monday (12ih day) of Angtut next. The Company continue te Icsnre affalnat tho perii of th Sea.

River, aod loss er damage by Fire, at th earraat rates ef pre- THOMAS A. ADAMS, OhuRGE sIOKAS, Vic PrealJent. Q. W. BPRATT, Secretary.

TRUSTEES. Saiitbl Bxua, Jobk Watt, M. O. H. Nortoi, O.

T. BvoDscxa, R. B. Strania, H. M.

Waitaar, O. B. Hawkins, D. FBBLLSBjr, 8. H.

KBHitxDr, W. Q. RoaiXBOX, J. W. Caxrolx, P.

ATlifDAxeO, Sahobl 8a i I it, Toiix O. Bit it, ft. W. SsxLur, P. Si MalS, P.

N. fTBOWO, Taos. Hbh DEitsojr, J. J. PBH30ir, MO'IS OaiXSWOOP, W.


CaUWIUb, A. Hxtifg, Adah Uirrxx, UOKHKLIDS FxUrO VUiStAXATT COTAl. James TOBHCA, M. OliXIA B. B.

Nxwmax, may 11 FFICB OF THE SUN MUTUAX INSUB AMOft OOMPAKT OP MKW ORLIANR FIFTH ANNUAL BTATKMKlfT. New OiLXAira, Jannary 11, 1381. An eonfonntty with th requirements ef their Charter, THE SUN MUTUAL INSURANCE COMPANY pablishthe foil owing Sieie- meai: Amount ta preminms reeelred for the year ending De cember si, low H.0M 0V Amoant of Bnterminated rUk Deoecaber list, 1609.... 140 AdJ 00 Total amoant of premlams for tbe year ending Slat De eemher, lBoO, rts: Por Fire preminms For Marine preminms Far River premiums 73 i.e.. ttO.MS 80 11,059 be Less premlams December list.

loaf i.7T7 Lee Retarn premiazu I So 99 Mel eej-nea premlams December 81st, Los paid during- am period, ra For Pir Loake For Marin Losses Pot River 714 19S.P79 31 I Dad art d'Jooant, iniere-it and profit and lorn. for saringe less expenses, leL'taarancee vKWrtflS Si Nt earned proflti for tho year ending December list, )K I Th Company bare th following assets, rls i lorened In Bank Stocks and lias Olty end State Bonds Loans on pledgee of Bank Stocks, to Bills receiraole at short time for premiums. a a of nndry Insarano Companies Prtulams due in ooarse of ooUeutlon Total amoant of (X Maya ow LoTtsi aji, 1 rarlsh Of OrlaatB, City of he Oileana. i Beliramemeered, that on this 1 1th of January, ibfll. baloi me, tbe snbsoriber, a Jusaceof tb Peeoe In and for lha ttity aforv said, personally appeared Tho.

dioo, PrbAtdaut, and Jaa. Edwardr Secretary, of th Son Mataal inBDranoa Company of Nw Orlaaur who, being duly sworn, according to Uw, do depn and say that tbe above aoooaut arojtut and true, and a correct transcriot "rom he books of aald Company. TnuiAi nluu, JAR. EDWARDS, SacrcUry went to and anUorl-bed before re, this 11th day of afanaarr- loT. D.

P. MITCHELL. Second Jostlo ef the Paaot The Board of Directors hare resolred to nay Ell PER OSNV Interest en the oautauding Certlfloates of Profits, on and after lilt 11th day of February next. And to redeem on end after that date flfty per eant. of th Scrip of the roar 187.

Aad they bare farther declared a aerip dividend of twenty par eeo. ea the net earnec Premium of the year ending she Hat December, 1160. for whlct flerttfleates will be taeaed oo end after the 16th March next THOMAS HIeOO, Preeldent JAU. D. DKMatiRN Vto Presiaa.

slAaai JavaaM, Secretary. I H. T. LORiPAAvtv ft. el.

Ha at Jona O. Rioxa i. H. Eta err aa. Jona O.

tlAJBH Tuuvas Sloo a i. TaaHOVLBt, Jajibj d. Dbmwu aA. D. Kbllt.

Been Witaoa, Huif Rbmskaw tanil NEW ORLEANS, Auudst I860- f.TAi Mwoaa I wso AAA oa CoMriwr.No. Bt. iJharl etree. This Company (ooeeear te th hUi luearanoe Oempaoy) Inaa agakist the Lea aud Damage by Fire, the Partis ei the Aa mt Ivors, at the oarrent rate of Preiulara. A Oiaava, am A titraad A Oe.

A Wan, Arm Jobs Watt Co, Looab, firm ef Logan, Sonlat A Claiborne Pueou, arm ef Plancbe A Oe. i A Eujort. Im of Elliott A MoKearar i.euaa, Brut of Mummy A Laling DuriaAMrtaa, Irm ef Rowan a Kerniea Lore OoiaBMAA. arm of Ooletnan, Britten a) Wllhan (iaiaraLL. Arm Wm Press A C.

I WOO UiwAieoaaa la as A 'AAvt iUaO. Ira of Uerden A OaetDle. PLAOiDM POMSTALIa. 1 aaua Daaers, aeoretaiy. OU11SIANA MUTUAL INSURANGfi COM.

4 pan y. Ornca Iron Building, eorner Camp and Matches straeta AaMNiiit of Premioau tor tbe year ending aWfc Febraary, UMil 1400 fg Amount ef ProlU for the year ending ttih February, uiountsif Asaatafer tiieyea ending ttlb February TheTru-teoe hava dttciarad a Sij.riu iVividtanri nV 'tmIi. aftoi paying Hli por ouut. Intereatou OUttaudliif orip, tuid have erdei ed the redumption of tiliy per uf the He rip Uie A lHotf. inveteei ana ledeMuutLi wrlp payable on and after the eooud dy of M-ty next.

tianlOi atae ot tic-rip (or the rear lael deliverable en and attav laa OH ARI. EN HKliHlH, Prealaeot U. P. JANVIER, Mwreta.y. etri4 11m New Orlaana, aarcb Stl.


aaoula air FbliadBishia illan. Wart. le Bly X. IB. laar uuaar if Baji an, i a oo 1,23 7 68,039 190.000 00 two oo 44,100 00 ot 00 4U.40U 0U 159,341 trt (41 40 Jiruxwi, iionta, tnatn.

WM. IHISflR, itetlsger, ajMtJ JOHN WALRFI. Cahia.3 FftV flrit auixraAr InfriMiInn annle ah TJ LUWt.H MISSISSIPPI. Leaves on Werlneurlfiv, June 26, nt ft MEMPHIS iNKW OBf.KANS Bpnr fjett-'-ViJ? I'lio lino. DrmdHHrr reitiiln- prwn.r rarklt aflfii ii Trtifl CHII-1), II.

Ilellnv.n, boird jnpi-23 Bf. Adv.HHrti. Leaves tin luemlity, Jiiiih 2j. at RK'lUI, TIJKsilAV PAI'KKT Ifwnjtti! fvrj ta ow Orlcnni IVtrk.t Bt-KilUr biuhdiu Mrtll v'M IfHtlSsm Mompbln (1 the H.nrU I'll, ljr -hoi, iter pHubot KKi KKNNKl'T. T.

If uVl niH.i.-r. w.ii us rt-m riirnivo rre ant on Blur. u. th. foot of Olrot it oet, aud will leilv.

riurr.i'.?' pi. apply ob board. jrinel xn. BUHI.I.HB Adv.illit Anl Leaves on SAtnrday, Junn TJ, at 6 SIlMMIi'B MKMPnt. ITS? kNKW fiBI.KANH PAIlKK-t LIN LtT1C'- rei-bet-'or Memphle trlEfi BaiiBIll Will 'I i-liim pmuianriBr pocket A KT o'l-, -W.

H. rlll ro.ily to rwrlv. r.i mimltie nt tho f-jt of lllroil Btr.ot, uid will loot. For freight or pn.rwg., Ij- (in board M1 juooa 1 Kll. HlUin.LKn.AjlvertMj, Leaves Every Biitnrtiay, at 5 o'clock BKW OBI.KAN8 AMI) VI flKSBU Bll fj BrrWeX ptjTNIO For Iton.ldnnOTll..

I f' JPort lindrmn, B.jou Sor Bed Rlror taoc.Lr N.tohM. Waternroof. Bodn. ilr.nd lioir, Warronton end Th. rura' nil II1KBV1I.I.K, J.

J. lirown, mauler, (in iiiimt. or th. hAUrhBiTr leave a. ebov.

er BATUKIIAT -'rfoob I. J.PXBSON KfaA VKai rwtllA AXA Vlkahflrw awrtle. Ledavea evory Tuesday Evibing, at 6 in riiAna ur mm nir.AxKri iiRiDif, ATfwa The United Slatea Mall Flu -beet Vm? laf 'kP'lolinee, laaeter, for Vkkuburg, Warrentos, FeT aTTTTi- M-jnl Grand tJttlf. St. KwinayWMariij RaiLhoa, aud mall landing boiow ror ireigut or qiyj The' Mary connects at Vlckabnrf with the avII twttnu IAD Ynxoo Rlvei.


A. GOTTEN T. A A IjMvee Bow (rrlewe ATRy RtTNIIA MrKNINIt at a XVKBI rrXilNEHDAT at e'clorb. XVEiir FKlllAy at acloU. FOB FUST ADAHH.

TITNIIVA, HOBOANXA. BATOC Th. flu. iiBiB.niiai raui.K AOADIA .1. Rff.d lseares New Orleans) aTVKRT MONDAY KViCMNO at a-tlook.

aVICKf TlIURMMT ai 1 o'ei k. ftxtendlng ber Ulps ea Thnredaj ae far ae Pert Mm AND THB OOAfft, wpaokei. Oaiyft, AOrat, loan NINO as Mo'eleak. I POR DOMALDBONV1LLB AN RMPTRM PARISH Leave new Orleans BTKRY THURrtDAT MORN A oierk la alerava at the landlnar. foot of Ml TxHa xnma.

taA Mr aud deliver freight and -lav hta nt latbg fur theabeMli.J am ay iftei. my a 1.4 pt Htl HiVtCh Leavoa on Tuesday, June 25. at 5 f. run nsii rti vait JeBeieon, HtnrttrM. aa n.

Port Cud do. Albuiir. Keanaon'a. BimwRil tranl ilaron, onnhaita (Tampt tirand Rert, Hoitteomai A lexmxlria. Niirrdxii'A I and aU In tanned lute land I nir The new.

and paaaenger rwwket a'eiiimr 11'-A AS, W. Hlmiie, suit leave ax above. For freighi or paMxaire, arply on biw. JuneaJ Kll. HCiill.LKR ad'ertlalut ift Lea vox on Tiitsdav.

Jiiuh 25 ai p. KKUULAR it I VCR PACKET Fir fete Ttort Uriuid Hhtoii, Coiiahelta, amul On St. Maurice o1 lie. Alfxanurl, Vcrnji lihi'a. and hD iu'e me in.

laaArtn Hod him Die Hmv, aud faat rum. inv li ut-i iter reanav JiiilMST M.inimond, ui.unr. will leave as abut, falrefl or pariHH're apply ou boaiu. juueo iif. a a veniaan iwj OUACHITA RlftCh.

Leaves on Tuesday. June 25 fr. RK(llLft liUACIIIJ'l PACKKr-fr Tt ton. Mom on, Cilum-d, IfHrrinonbiirir, Tnaity a landmoi on UlackKrveri liifhl il riiii-j-ut uttri twlf'-iuaiii iif BtHtt tfull A No. 7.

Lun Moore, t-itar. will leave IS akel ror iretgntor, appiy u-JHi-a. juue.i -ti riii.ii, awniiiriAiw Leaves every WdiiMm ening at 5 aoca Kllit OfKliOUHAH-ttiCiiULvK vrmH.Bm il a lie a iperior 'Uht dixniatit ana buh im AwiviM biminipurl and ell ianuin- on AttiUtuaiaya. or paAnage, api'iy on briHra, or io uu.iAtjtjnj ifANUHUun'r, now iw, Jnnl 14 St. LonSBreaV LOWKh Lorvob every Saturday, at 10 o'clock A.

FOR RALIZK, BOl-'TH-WKST AKH and I-OWTJ t'fMitl a week The Hue inwstner SSfw riUKPltlSH, a. Orant. Jr. mi. Mer, all If Vow tirlenHa t-very Hamrday.

at fO o'alook aWA tit, ur lyusxaga, anpty on noaro. or to anrlS C. LAWt FOlt 8ALE. TAR FOR SALE Several barrels CoilTu Inquire at lloll. onl ydel NEW CKOP TURNIP SEED For sale bj i).

iuurr. I j.uiiju rui hi urararn. iokTbale CU'fiP OV ACCOUNT 0f nr Builroom t-eia. Alao, rterva te' rurnhurt Uiu Future, etc Will be sold lew lor ea ul ililo ixaiUrtf SAatiE OF NEGHOES Over Oue Houdrod Katrroe were broogbtin last night from my farm wttka 1 eighty mile of the olty, and are for wle. A large nouiber have been on the plaoo for the past year end forifar, yv wiv, an miner.

Virginia him Maryland th thia advantuAPvX of oj; llmallAn rniil 1. ntiAiilatiail vurer inauoeuieuu to ptutHutasrs. AldTKH lx. UASrn--i nllM Buionne streti. near Cm lOH BALE The powerful aud faat Al ic M.

BrooellorSAMgON m. hnilt In at now flniih ing. aitd comhinlng all the laiect I mprov email u. Diueo- tf oa of hull OA root keel 14 leet beam, and baa a poa-er -J nu Biariie boiler and et.niua, mad of the very beti materax, as got up in th very beat wurkmniiiike manner. Mor furtbar parUooiars, addreas A AN ar ROBSaUT CUABhH AprWJAWSm jL to'.

ILANTATION FOR RA F.E Thia PintetKB a altaaied on the Bayou Teobe, In tbe rtolnky AlKy ru.e. It mtMaur two ihouaaud acre of land, on wo" t-otiiaud. There ar thirty 1' ami da en th plaoa. "jr5 growiieropofoaiAo. The place htgh'r unproved, etatrb of cultivation.

There le a ubetaiiliiil uar-biiA-, bbs ant'oe on tho premlMM, and a line stonk uf oatlie and The plantation will be sold at private asie. la WortaeJ1" fllavuH, atotik, farming utetmil, eto, Txuua lu.l I a AMflll. t.uiiier iLoriaaliou. apyi A1HLPI1H UUPRa till tf at trie lAOUiwan iOH BALE A Farm, near AiM; 1J ir.ihn'x rrtnniilKtlnit MO9? laAudfftrty brMiibj cleared and under cultivation, atd f'Ilr .,1 rhii a good lug hoiu do by Ai tent, wide gallery, out ')U 5L a Ti farm sitiutled three imle frt.oi Amite, on ibe he Ja -kaon Railroad I acAjtMelble, aa the pariah road r1', Scarkey's plac, on whirb thai Is a sitw mill aud a g'atadj1- IbH. ailjuln Hie aleaiQ aaw-nill nf Dr.

Tayluf UUsdw ii'UK. aah and irnm. san a auirundei in one ad Iwt I wU knm tine tnird Ai'pl al the ofnoe ot LEOVY a DUNCAN, orer Jan REMOVALS. REMOVAL Dux. OlrAKS A FRIED rUCHfl, iiliritTi their 1 The I tfcediai LIuum jruicse xmoui waxet when elck test, deperj her, a aoven Lie ati oisl Aafoi lev do will tborot lier tr.

Th theE bohal this Th qitani and 1 nienc and (i Thi Day 1 and I ment says reach free Book, mob, thorit der.iei ly oi i tiouee lettr, suppt trAlDl Well worst the ei lira. to str ta too not Kiaap tnmue Tr PlBA Vorl On who ueed who iale ern i Tbe Kavai numl aa th to bt- If our solv Iiror Don ars, til a iof take ceil erni Inst eigl 186' npo Lim to for fiftj Is xsti reqt expi a Im Will' coni fori But lute atoo anal irac thrt I j.ri the Um the enc Iin; wit a-jii liis et'A i.ut wa uav. rBrauvaa troai Bo. im i Ull (IABai. OIKSBV HI 1 Up.

door from il.M trrrweaal WiyBW" 1 REMOVAL Dr MuKELVET has 1 bl. oraoo rsBUtauo. from No. dd le 111 irhar'TT bHwami Miart aad Lafaiatie.

The Daily Delta from New Orleans, Louisiana (2024)
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Author information

Name: Fredrick Kertzmann

Birthday: 2000-04-29

Address: Apt. 203 613 Huels Gateway, Ralphtown, LA 40204

Phone: +2135150832870

Job: Regional Design Producer

Hobby: Nordic skating, Lacemaking, Mountain biking, Rowing, Gardening, Water sports, role-playing games

Introduction: My name is Fredrick Kertzmann, I am a gleaming, encouraging, inexpensive, thankful, tender, quaint, precious person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.