The Akron Beacon Journal from Akron, Ohio (2024)

AKRON BEACON JOURNAL fa Associated Press United Press fa International News E. A. Service FINAL EDITION WEATHER: Showers tonight and Sunday morning. Ohio's Mont Complete Newspaper Now Including the Leading Features and News Service of The Akron Times-Press NINETY-NINTH YEAR NO 232 AKRON, OHIO, SATURDAY EVENING, SEPTEMBER 3, 1938 EIGHTEEN PAGES PRICE THREE CENTS See F. D.

Banishr Bendix Fliers Soeed East 5. i a Dem Conservativ Woman In Race For $30, 000 From The New lital President's Statement Beckons G. 0. Other Liberals To Fighting Lines 1 OFFICERS IT HUDLEY FUST BUILDERS OF FUTURE AIR POWER HAVE THEIR DAY, i in i i i Youthful Plane Designers Taste Fruits Of Victory HAMILTON CHEERS STATEMENT TO THE Most Congressmen Silent On Startling Words; Farley Action Awaited Hunt Abandoned To Give Two Abductors A Chance To Make Contact Crowd Cheers 10 Entrants On Way After Delay Caused By Fog By United Prest TfTASHINGTON, Sept. 3.

Chairman John D. $15,000 RANSOM ASKED MAKE WICHITA LANDING Hamilton of the republican national committee "welcomed and Fears Are Felt For Safety Of California Woman Seized In Home Miss Cochran Sends Out Her First Report At Albuquerque By LYLE C. WILSON I United Press Staff Writer WASHINGTON, Sept. 3. President Roosevelt is banishing democratic conservatives from New Deal ranks today and beckoning republican and other liberals into the fighting lines.

There is speculation here on the distance Postmaster General James A. Farley would go with Mr. Roosevelt in the disavowal of democratic candidates for office. The White House program as revealed so far would permit the applauded" today President Roosevelt's willingness to see liberal republicans elected to office. In a forma! statement Issued after Mr.

Roosevelt's press conference remarks, Hamilton said that republicans were so pleased that they would not "even recall Mr. Roosevelt's recent lamentations about the immorality of crossing over party lines in this year's campaign." Photo on Page 8 By JOHN ABBOTT United Press Staff Writer MARYSVILLE, Sept. 3. "But I cannot believe that Mr. Roosevelt actually means what he Inspector W.

A. White of the state highway patrol early today ordered all law enforcement i officers to retire from the neigh Beaeon Journal Speelal Dispatch BURBANK, Sept. 3. Ten entrants in the ninth annual Bendix air classic, a dash from the Los Angeles municipal airport here to Cleveland, were winging their way; across the country today. Several of the pilots made landings at Wichita, and left immediately for the Ohio city.

Led by Ross Hadley, Los Angeles sportsman-pilot, the fliers started taking off at 3:47 a. m. Akron time. It was almost four hours later that Frank Cordova, the last pilot to get away, raised his tri- Roosevelt's Idea Of 'Good Liberal' M) A jnkx fix' 4 1 borhood of the W. R.

Meeks I home, presumably to give kid-j nappers of Mrs. Norma Meeks an opportunity to contact her i husband. White told the officers to "get 1 awav and stay away not hide motored plane into the air. around some nearby corner." He did not indicate how long they were to remain away. White's instructions came after president to bolt offending democrats in the November elections and support their republican opponents.

Immediate Activity Limited But he has not committed himself to that strategy. And it appears now that few, if any, opportunities for such action will be offered in the 1938 general election. Mr. Roosevelt's political activity probably will be limited to the primary campaign to drive conservatives out of his party. Gov.

Olin D. Johnston of South Carolina, defeated New Deal candidate for senatorial nomination in this week's primary election, conferred with the president here yesterday and announced afterward that he had "just begun to fight" for Roosevelt objectives. That means the issues upon which Mr. Roosevelt challenged re-nomination of conservative Sen. Ellison D.

"Cotton Ed" Smith will be kept before the people of South Carolina. Johnston refused comment on reports that he- would be offered a federal judgeship. He said the president would stop in WASHINGTON, Sept. 3. UP) President Roosevelt's statement that he had no objection to the election of a "good liberal" republican raised anew today the question: what constitutes a "liberal." Here is Mr.

Roosevelt's definition as given in a radio address last June: "Roughly speaking, the liberal school of thought recognizes that the new conditions throughout the world call for new remedies. "Those of us in America who hold to this school of thought insist that these new remedies can be adopted and successfully maintained in this country under our present form of government if we use government as an instrument of cooperation to provide these remedies." the federal bureau of investiga-; tion had withdrawn from the case "for the present," and members of the San Francisco office of the G-men had returned to their head Times Of Takeoffs After Hadley the fliers took off at the following times: Max Constant, New York, 5:37 a. m. Jacqueline Cochran, New York, 6:13 a. m.

John Hinchey and Charles La-jotte, Los Angeles, 6:19 a. m. A. Paul Mantz, Los Angeles, 6:25 a. m.

Frank Fuller, San Francisco, 7:10 a. m. SMITH WILLIAMS KORDA GOOD quarters. They had found no evi-: dence indicating there had been a i violation of federal kidnapping laws. Here are the young men, airplane engineers and builders of tomorrow, who won top honors In the National Junior Air Races held here this week.

William Good of Kalamazoo, besides winning a trophy, will get a week's trip to Hollywood for his victory in the gasoline models contest. Ed Smith of Washington, winner in the outdoor stick event, and Richard Korda of Cleveland, winner of the flying scale contest, are being congratulated by Maj. Al Williams. Only One Demand The kidnappers issued their only REPORT GERMANY instructions regarding payment of $15,000 ransom early yesterday when they entered the Meeks' home and forced Mrs. Meeks to accompany them.

As they were leaving one of the two men shouted to Meeks, who was lying on the floor, his legs and arms bound and his mouth closed by adhesive tape: says," he continued. "Because if he CRASH AUTO L1AII Champion Junior Aviators Attend Cleveland Races Major Al Williams Greets Pick Of America's Boy Aeronauts At Victory Banquet does his statement constitutes a repudiation of the New Deal and a large number of his followers on Capitol Hill." Most Congressmen Silent Few congressmen were in Wash Cycle Accident Claims Its Fourth; Official At Falls Dead Hitler Said To Have Told Henlein To Insist On Recognition ington and most of them declined comment on the president's remarks. However, Senator Millard E. Tydings, democrat of Maryland, Georg Armistead, Los Angeles, 7:35 a. m.

Lee Gehlbach, New York, 8:08 m. Robert Perlick, Los Angeles, 8:15 a. m. Frank Cordova, New York, 8:43 a. m.

Last year Fuller averaged 255 miles an hour across the country, reaching Cleveland in 7 hours 54 minutes. No Mishap At Start There was no mishap at the start, although a fire delayed Cordova's takeoff and Lee Gehlbach, New York test pilot, gave the spectators a thrill when he straightened out 20 feet above the ground and appeared to be having trouble in rising higher. The nose of his ship soon turned upward, however, and he streaked away toward the Sierra Madre mountains. The fact that Hadley got the first start gave him no advantage, since the race is against time. The result will be based on elapsed flying time.

Poor flying conditions over part Other Photos on Page 9 THE nation's champion Junior Aviators 60 strong were in Cleveland today for the opening of their big brothers' air marked for defeat by the presi "You'll get your wife back when we get $15,000. We know all about the electric chair. We'll contact you in a couple of days." The kidnapper paused for a moment, then added: "Leave the $15,000 on the loading platform on highway 99 between Sheridan and Wheatland if you want to get your wife back alive. Put it there before midnight next Saturday. We'll give you more instructions later." White's orders were based on the assumption that if the officers dent, replied that "I'm willing to let the republicans run their own affairs." By The Associated Press BERCHTESGADEN, Germany, Senator Logan, democrat of Columbia, S.

in November en route to Warm Springs, Ga. Johnston probably will be an important figure in new deal deep south startegy. Realignment Under Way Party realignment already is well under way. The current and continuing phase began in 1932 when numerous outstanding republicans bolted former President Hoover's reelection candidacy to support Mr. Roosevelt.

Since then Mr. Roosevelt himself stepped over party lines to support Sen. George W. Norris, independent and former republican of Nebraska, for reelection. He retired his own party's Minnesota senatorial-gubernatorial ticket in 1936 to insure election of farmer-labor candidates.

He was briefly aligned with the La Follette organization in Wisconsin. Meeting newspaper reporters at yesterday's regular press conference, Mr. Roosevelt was in extraordinary good spirits. He unexpectedly spoke a political blessing upon liberal republicans yet to be identified and named. "If there is a good liberal running on the republican ticket, I would not have the slightest ob- (Contlnued On Page Eight) Kentucky, differed with the president's views, believing that it was all right while "a strong leader" like Mr.

Roosevelt was president, Headon collision of two automobiles on route 18 early today claimed three lives and threatened a fourth. The accident, worst in the Akron district in several months, followed the death of another district resident in motorcycle-auto crash at Wytheville, Va. The dead: Sept. 3. The supposition persisted today that Adolf Hitler told the leader of Nazis in Czechoslovakia to insist on official recognition of national socialism by the Czech government.

Hitler kept his counsel about decisions he arrived at in conferences Thursday and Friday with "but what is going to happen after his service in the White House ends?" show, the National Air Races. Their own show, held at municipal airport, came to a grand climax last night with a victory dinner at the Mayflower hotel for the champions. In addition to receiving about $2,500 in trophies, cash and model supplies, they heard themselves called "the builders of aviation's future" by men who rank high in the aviation industry. Their commander, Major Al Williams, gave the principal address and reminded his followers that they have the "courage to do and dare" things that have never been done before in plane building. The major declared that Euro- (Continued On Page Eight) PROBE CRASH FATAL pean commercial aviation is 15 years behind the times due to the tremendous concentration on fast flying war planes.

He described a European single seater fighter capable of 394 miles an hour, and added, "it's now possible to start a war, fight and finish it all in the air. "I wish I was 20 again because man has not even scratched the surface of this flying business yet and you have a great future. "But things won't just happen with you," he said, and recalled a (Continued On Page Eight) "We would have a group of blocs patterned after certain European systems," he said. Hamilton statement attacked the president's "true liberalism," contending that "for a short period (Continued On Page Eight) TO SEVEN OHIOANS Three Seriously Injured In Highway Crash At Lebanon THOMAS H. JAMES, 43.

of Detroit, killed at 2 a. m. in a collision two and one-half miles east of Edinburg on route 18. EARL M. SWINEHART, 42, of 2049 Cook Cuyahoga Fall3, assistant city engineer at the Falls, victim of the same accident.

HARRY KAUFMAN, 54. of Toledo, third to die in the Edinburg JOHN BOWLAND, 25, of Roots-town, killed at Wytheville yesterday when his motorcycle struck of the route may slow the fliers down and perhaps keep the record set last year by Frank Fuller from being broken. It was cloudy and raining in parts of the Texas Panhandle and Kansas, which may force the pilots to seek a flying level of 17,000 feet or more. Flies At 20,000 Feet Perlick, sky writer, was equipped with an oxygen mask for substratosphere flying. He planned to fly at an altitude of 20,000 feet.

Jacqueline Cochran, flying the speedy silver ship flown here in WHERE TO FIND TODAY'S FEATURES Konrad Henlein, leader of the autonomy-seeking, Nazi-supported Sudeten German minority in the neighbor country. So did Henlein. So, also, did other Nazi officials who attended the fateful discussions about the next step in the Czech-German dispute about minority rights. Officials shrugged their shoulders when asked about the Berch-tesgaden consultations. There was much speculation which ended with, "There's always an unknown quantity Der Fuehrer." It was said, however, that if Hitler advised moderation in the dispute he had reversed his attitude because Sewing Machine Pair Paje 1 Patri, Anrelo Amusem*nt Around The U.S, PLANE CRASHES HOUSE, THREE HURT OUR WEATHER MAN Hocked To Bookie Is Found In Raid an automobile.

I'erler, Westbrook Roosevelt, Mrs. Eleanor Radio News, The injured: a record-breaking cross-country Town 7 Aatrolory 8 Behind The Front Pare 9 Crane, Dr. Frank 3 Brady. Dr. William 3 Brant At Carter 11 Mrs.

Ida Furtch, of Cuyahoga I dash last weel by Maj. Alexander LEBANON, Sept. 3. (INSi Highway patrolmen began an investigation today of a collision at a highway intersection which snuffed out seven lives and left three more persons in a hospital with critical injuries. The dead were: Curtis A.

Platts, 60; Mrs. Platts, 50; and Mrs. Arthur Grigs-by, all of Seven Mile, Butler county; Thomas Mylor, 45; Mrs. Helen Mylor, 42; Thomas Programs ift Fog And Rain Forces Dozen Army Ships Down In North Carolina rana, triLiuai cuimiuun ai nuu- De seversky, was the only wom-inson Memorial hospital, Ravenna, an in tne race. gne was one 0f One Victim Missing the favorites in this, her third at- Ripley's Cartoon 10 Schlemmer'a Column 10 Schneider'a Sheriff Robert L.

Fitzgerald tempt at winning the $9,000 first he has been opposed to compromise. Continue Press Campaign It was considered extremely sig Broun. Heywood. Club News Collyer'a Seleetioni 13 Comics 16, 17 Crossword Puule 1" Fishint Llnei ...11 Helen and Warren 5 Intercepted Letter 4 Johnson, Hurh 6 Clapper, Raymond 5 nificant that the anti-Czech press campaign the controlled Nazi press has waged the past months continued unabated today. Close followers of the present crisis and prize.

Miss Cochran reported at 8:55 a. m. that she was over Albuquerque, maintaining a speed of 250 miles per hour and encountering no trouble with her Seversky pursuit plane. Winner of second place will bs awarded $5,000, third $3,000, fourth $2,000 and fifth $1,000. An Column 18 Serial, "Remember Susan" 6 Serial, "Haywire House" 16 Socially Speakint 6 Time Out 11 Trade Winds .,,13 Voice Of The People 4 Wlnehell, Walter 25 Yeara Ao 4 said Mrs.

Furtch, regaining consciousness for a moment, told him that another woman, identified as a Mrs. McTavish, of Youngstown, was in the car with her and Swine-hart. Fitzgerald was unable to locate Mrs. McTavish, however. James and Kaufman were driving east on route 18 and the Cuyahoga Falls car, which Sheriff (Continued On Page Eight) Mylor, 14; Robert Mylor, 12, all of Dayton.

The injured, all of whom were rushed to a Dayton hospital where their conditions were described as critical, were: Mrs. Katherine O'Hearn, 44; Mrs. Rose Mylor, 42; and Edward O'Hearn. REIDSVILLE, N. Sept.

3. UP An army pursuit plane from Langley Field, crashed into a three-room house near here today and injured three of the eight occupants. Fog and rain forced down 12 pursuit planes in this vicinity, including the one which struck the house. Six-year-old Fred Lee Ganns was the most seriously injured By The Associated Press CHICAGO, Sept. 3.

The state's attorney's police possessed a sewing machine today as a result of the current raids on handbooks. It was found by ax wielding officers yesterday while they were chopping up the furnishings of the 46th handbook raided during the last fortnight. It was tagged: "Personal loan. Lady $2." Lieut. Thomas Kelly said the woman can have her sewing machine if she can prove it's hers, whether she won the race bet or not.

Several women have dropped knitting and crochet wprk in their hurry to leave during raids. A man patron left so hurriedly yesterday that he forgot his crutch. AKRON AND VICINITY Mostly cloudy, with light showers tonight and probably Sunday morning. Slightly warmer tonight. Monday probably fair and cooler.

Highest temperature yesterday was 71 and lowest was 51. HOURLY READINGS (Continued On Page Eight) previous similar campaigns point out with assurance that had Henlein and Hitler arrived at a complete decision to make peace with the Prague government the attacks would have ceased today. It seemed logical to assume Hitler advised the Sudeten spokesman to stick to his eight-point pro Keno Spots 'Open Tonight9; when the plane plummeted 9 a. 62 10 a. 66 11 a.

m. 10 Noon 73 1 p. 76 2 p. 77 Midnight 52 lam 50 a. 51 3 a.

50 4 a. 50 5 a. 50 a. 49 7 a. m.

52 8 a. m. 56 Donald Gray's Gardening Column In Beacon Journal DONALD GRAY'S daily gardening column is in the Akron Beacon Journal today and will continue to be a feature of Sheriff Continues Watch gram enunciated April 24 and demanding, in brief, complete freedom in Sudeten German districts to subscribe to Nazi ideology. To the Czech government that would (Continued On Page Eight) through the roof of Share-Cropper Harry B. Gann's house about 6 a.

when some of the household members were in bed. The three occupants of the wrecked plane, which was flying from Langley Field to Montgomery, bailed out before the crash and were reported not hurt. The names on the wrecked plane's plate were Com. L. P.

Beverly, Aerial Gunner C. S. Downer and C. L. Guyer.

They left the scene before reporters arrived. CLOSED down by Sheriff Walter P. O'Neil's ban on all forms of gambling in Summit county, a number of the establishments that have offered keno and bingo to their patrons until this week, today were preparing to reopen tonight. All the resorts in the county Strange As It Seems the daily and Sunday editions. Gray's gardening column, written for the average man and woman and still technical enough for the expert gardener, has long been a favorite in Akron and his appearance in the Beacon Journal will delight Akron gardeners.

During the year readers will find Gray's column touching on every phase of gardening. Today on Page 3 he again discusses plants for ground cover. and city which ordinarily offer keno, bingo, slot machines or DAILY TEMPERATURE REPORT 7:30 a. m. Y'day'a City Condition Today Max.

Amarillo clondy 64 64 Atlanta cloudy 70 12 Boston clear 58 66 Buffalo 56 68 Chicago clear 60 70 Cincinnati cloudy 62 80 Cleveland pt. cloudy. 56 66 Columbul cloudy 60 76 Denver rain 54 74 Detroit clear 68 70 Duluth 58 76 El Paso clear 64 84 Kansas City cloudy 66 76 Los Angeles cloudy 60 84 Miami pt. cloudy. 80 88 Medicine Hat clear 52 90 Paul pt.

cloudy. 58 74 line, a number of attendants appeared to be busy last night making ready for customers tonight. Doors of the 400 Club on Ghent rd. were locked and Sender's tavern, where the third major gambling establishment in the county has operated, was still Coffin For Pet Canary Ordered From Firm In Detroit BL-1111 BLACKSTONE 1111 will be the new telephone number of the Akron Beacon Journal, beginning tonight, when thi3 newspaper starts complete production in the former Times-Press building at Exchange and High sts. For all departments of the Beacon Journal call BLACK-STONE 1111 starting down today.

But operators hint Because of Labor day the Beacon Journal will publish only one edition Monday, this be Donald Gray some other form of gambling entertainment were still closed last night, but "the word" went around that there would be action again this evening. Sheriff O'Neil, however, isn't aware of any change in policy. His deputies, who this week entered Akron to clamp the anti-gambling lid tighter, will make their rounds again tonight and they have orders to arrest any proprietors who attempt to revive gambling. At the Walbridge club, Orchard park, near the Cuyahoga county Rain Forces Down Dozen Army Planes HIGH POINT, N. C.

Sept. 3. (UP) Twelve army pursuit planes from Langley Field, were forced down near here today by tain and low ceiling. First reports said one of the planes smashed into a house in landing, injuring at least two persons, Bt The Associated Press GROVE CITY, Sept 3. A Detroit jewelry firm ordered a custom-made coffin for a pet canary from an aluminum products company here.

The company filled the order. The casket was 6 1-4 inches long. ing delivered to homes early Monday morning. The business office of the Beacon Journal, in the former Times-Press building, will be open Sunday night from 6 to 10 o'clock. ALSO READ DR.

CRANE'S CASE LETTERS on Page S. New Orleans clear 78 94 New York clear 66 72 Parkersburg cloudy 56 74 Phoenix clear 78 100 Pittsburgh clear 4 74 Portland, Ore. pt. cloudy. 58 76 8n Francisco cloudy 54 64 Washington pt.

cloudy. 64 78 Winnipeg clear 50 80 Yesterday's high; Phoenil. 100. Today low; Fort Arthur, 40, ed tney nope to reopen soon. Meanwhile agents for operators of the keno games at Brady lake in liberal Portage county, paraded downtown streets in Akron selling tickets, good for transportation to the lake and for the first couple of games of keno..

The Akron Beacon Journal from Akron, Ohio (2024)
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Name: Rev. Leonie Wyman

Birthday: 1993-07-01

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Introduction: My name is Rev. Leonie Wyman, I am a colorful, tasty, splendid, fair, witty, gorgeous, splendid person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.