Chronicle Tribune from Marion, Indiana (2024)

Bridge Lesson Indiana, Chronicle The American Contract Bridge League's newest unit is the Capitol District Bridge Association, which covers the territory of Schenectady, Albany and Troy in 4 AQ1054 A 10 AKJ432 None 86 K73 43 1095 Q109 Dealer AT 8 Tooher AJ92 8. 876 4365432 Duplicate -AH vul. South West North East Pass Double Redouble Pass Pass 2 Double 34 Pass Pass 6 Double Q. New York State. At the first meeting of the new unit.

Howard W. Bennett of Schenectady was elected president. Bennett was in New York some time ago and won top score at the Mayfair Bridge Club with Mrs. McKenney. Here is one of the interesting hands from that session.

play, wherebr brought home his difficult February.25, 1944; tract, was based on an even break in the diamond suit. East won the opening lead with the ace of hearts and shifted to a club. South went up with the and led a trump, which West permitted dummy win. A low diamond was led from dummy and West won with the jack. returned a diamond.

hoping his! partner might ruff; but when East dropped his king, Bennett won and led another trump. West won and turned a heart, which Bennett and ruffed, discarded then drew losers the last, trump the established diamonds, The Stars Say- For Saturday, February 26 By KEMBLE A PARTICULARLY lively and progressive day is forecast from the predominant lunar and mutual aspects. It is a time for summoning. exceptional talents and skills for promoting cherished goals, es. pecially if they have a decided mechanical or engineering objective and are in connection with group or public service of far reaching scope.

Finances may be under expansive rule. and should embrace support -from influential sources, with promotion and preferments as rewards for merit and sturdy work. even against certain deep oppositions dubious entanglements. Domestic. social and affectional affiliations should also thrire.

If It Is Your Birthday. Those whose birthday it is may enjoy a rear of expansive, productive and fruitful effort, with the LOVE'S FAIR HORIZON Madge and Katie Prepare Breakfast for the Visitors and Get a Surprise When They Serve It SYNOPSIS- Major Hurt Grantiand of the side duurway of the Graham tarmS government intelligence service in house in Eastern Long Istand. He is telling Madge Graham. who used to aid bim in government work and in whose life he long has played a "Sydney Carton" role, of the plight of his misterious friend "Mr. now in a taxicab outside.

Hugh sars that Howe clothes are dripping with water and Madge puta Katie. her faithful farm helper. at work preparing Madge's studio for the unexpected gucats. and bringing clothing for them from the rooms of absent busband. Dicky.

The taxicab driver shamelessly overcharges Grantland, saying: dollars -and no questions asked." (irantland tells him be may ask all the questions de wishes. and then asks in louder voice: "How much will you charge to take us to the Bridgehampton station tonight for the train Madge the driver shoot uneasy glance at her, and her sopinion that he will bear watching dol- becomes a certainty as be "Three SINCE HAVEN'T HAL HAD ONE KROONER DATE CAME WITH HERE, I DIDN'T ASK YOU OUT HILDA AND LYE TRIED FOR HELP, BECAUSE TO FIND A WAY TO GET THAT THING SORT ISN'T OF IN EVEN WITH HIM! YOUR LINE! SO NOW 1 AM GOING TO ASK YOU GRANT ME JUST ONE FAVOR! COPR. 1944 AY NEA SERVICE, INC. T. WHAT IS BLONDE! A BLONDIE GOOD FIVE NEWS! GEE.

T-S FOR THE A 2 25 I SAY. GLAD IT BETTY! THIS ISNT FAR STREET IS TO THE DARK! PILLAR NOW OUR CAR PROVES ITS VALUE! HOW WOULD YOU YOUNGSTERS MAUE GOT TO WORK AND SCHOOL ON TIME IN THIS RAIN 02 WHAT'S CLANKING EGAD, JAKE! UNDER MY WIG OBVIOUSLY MY IS, HOW'D THIS FAME AS A EGYPTIAN STIFF COLLECTOR OF GET HEP YOU ANTIQUITIES HAD HIS IS A BYWORD SCREWY EVEN IN THE STATUE LIBYAN DESERT. TWIGGS HAS ALL: THE ANSWERS: servants, casual acquaintances and tradesmen he trusted, were concerned but high-tempered and merciless to those who tried to cheat him, was not running true to form. I told myself. For he was making no protest whatever to the outrageous charges of the country taxicab driver.

Instead, he took a roll of bills from his wallet--I wondered when had removed from it the oil skin cover which I was sure had protected it but a little time before--and handed the driver three lari. That's different, on my best." THE Hugb Grantland of my memories, too generous for his. own good where his friends, his energies and faculties under impetus for outstanding achieve ments. with recognition, promotion and honors. Major aims objectives are happily stressed, with new openings for enduring returns and rewards.

The personal social. domestic and 'love life contribute general wellbeing and happiness. Sidestep under lures or intrigue. child born on this day should have much ability and ambition with many opportunities in life for attaining position, prestige and personal happiness. AREN'T YOU HAPPY THE BOSS FINALLY ABOUT IT.


ILLINOIS occasional thunderstorms with wind. increasing to 30 m. p. h. today' and tonight, warmer north portion; Saturday cloudy and colder with occasional light showers and diminishing winds.

LOWER MICHIGAN Increasing cloudiness today with rain beginning over southwest portion this afternoon and spreading over entire state tonight; rain changing to snow Satarday; warmer tonight; colder Saturday afternoon; increasing winds tonight becoming strong Saturday. Then he said incisively: Gives Order "Come for us tonight to take that six-five from Bridgehampton. What time will you be here The driver smirked as he tucked the bills into his pocket, and his expression increased the suspicion and aversion with which I always had regarded him, although acknowledged that I had no facts upon which to base my disapproval. "Have to be here at five-thirty." "Very well," Hugh Grantland said, and turning, took such long strides toward the door that he reached it but a second after Jim had guided the apparently feeble footsteps of Howe" into the corridor. "Thank you, Jim," he said.

"I'll take over from now on. Is there a. fire in that room? I remember there was-a fireplace." DON'T LOOK. WHEN I CARRY MY OWN IDEAS REQ. V.

PAT. OFF. 2-25 SHE CAN'T ANSWER YOU, POP FAINTED! IT'S EASY! IT'S KINDA PATHETIC, A CUT TH' WAY THEY RIP LIKE OFF STEEL NOW- THAT WHY, A CUT LIKE USED THAT USED TO BE TO BE GOOD FER AT CUTTIN' LEAST FOUR THREADS HOURS OF JUST ONE TO SITTIN! THE INCH! Card of Thanks WE WISH -To thank the friends, neighbors and relatives for their. kindness and sympathy during the illness and death of our mother, Ersula. A.

Priser. Also. to Rev. J. Werly Brough and Rev.

Henry, employes of Wire Cable, Needham Son Funeral Directors, pallbearers, singers and flower ANNOUNCEMENTS RETURNS YOUNG -Ben, Swayzee R. R. 1. Diggs. -Lucille.

East' Orange, New Jersey. Raven. "There's good fire," I interpolated. "Katie just built it up. Jim, will you bring in some wood, please Jim Leaves "Right away, Ma'am," Jim said, -and as he left, I spoke hastily as the two figures turned toward my study door.

"Mr. Howe's" clothing-1 could see nothing of his "muffled face except the two ends of a white towel going around his jaw and cheeks and tied at the top of his head, evidently the of Katie's imagination- was, indeed dripping, as Hugh had said, and I knew that he must be ing from exposure and needed immediate treatment. "You will find everything in there you need," I said; "a big arm chair protected with shower curtain, topped with a blanket, in which he can sit while you remove his clothing, plenty of towels, and the hot water in the tap is ready. I was just washing dishes." Hugh shot one surprised look at me, then nodded. I see," be said.

"The war! You always were a good sport! And I am sure I'll find everything we need." Clothing Coming "Not everything," 1 told him ily, to my annoyance his smiling. and flushing involuntarpraise. "Katie will be down 10 another minute or two with plenty of emergency clothing for, you both. I'll send Jim in with it when be brings the wood. 1 don't know yet what you and Mr.

Howe will wish to eat. Perhaps I can gauge the amount better if you'll tell me when you ate last." A queer a elusive look flashed over his face. "Not for hours. And we have no choice. As I remember, Katie's breakfasts were something to anticipate -and remember." "This one won't be as good as usual, I'm afraid." I said, "for haste will be the first considerstion.

-And now Ill hurry to the kitchen." I left the two figures plodding toward my study door, and went back to the kitchen, meeting both Jim, wheeling in from outdoors an iron, slanting-shelved contraption filled with logs, and Katie, coming from the back stairs, her arms filled with masculine clothing. "Put the clothing on the settee in the side hall, Katie, and then come back here. Jim, let the wood stand in the hall while you pick up the clothing and take it all in to Major Grantland. Then ask him when he wants you to bring in the wood. Now, Katie, we have to fix two trays of breakfast in a hurry.

They're terribly hungry." Katie went into action with her accustomed verve. "Den dey vant sometings to steeck to dere ribs," she declared, got it. Here's an extra little pan of my breakfast biscuits, dere vas no room for eet in oven, so I save eet out. yen Junior sand. Roderick.

vant snack. Now light steeck eet in pretty soon, and it be all ready by time rest of breakfast ees ready. Now, eef you'll start coffee, and feex orange juice, and get started on trays, I'll slice some of our OWD ham, and fry wit soom of our own eggs. Dey'll have sometings dey don't get efery day." Ample Breakfasts I silently agreed with her when the trays were ready, with orange juice, cured ham from our own smoke house, eggs which our hens had just laid. hashed brown potatoes, hot biscuits, honey.

maple syrup, strawberry jam, and dishes of canned peaches--all from our own preserve closet. 1 put small silver vase holding a spray of bittersweet and evergreen on each tray, and Katie and I bore them to the door of the study. "Ill take that," Hugh Grantland said quickly, relieving me of the tray. "Come in." He already had drawn up table in front of the fire but tefore I could spread a cloth upon it, he maid, with a smile quirking the corners of his mouth: "I am sure you will like to meet your old friend, 'Mr. caught at Katie's tray just in time to keep her from it.

For she was staring dropping. eyed amazement at face as familiar to her as to me the wellremembered, ascetic, high bred face of Hugh Grantland's Chinese friend, Lee Chow. (Continued tomorrow' TRADE POSTS Indianapolis, Feb. 25 (A)- The Federal Bureau of Investigation has announced that D. S.

Hostettor, special agont in charge here, and P. Wyly, agent in charge at Memphis, would trade posts in 8 few days. Hostetter came here in April, 1943. LEGAL NOTICES NOTICE OF APPOINTMENT OF ADMINISTRATOR No. 0076 Notice Is hereby riven, That the undersigned has been appointed Administrator of the estate of General R.

Roller. deceased, late of Center Township, Grant County, Indiana, Said Enta'e in supposed to be solvent. MARION NATIONAL BANK OF MARION Administrator Vanatta, Balton Harker, Attorneys: L. Peb. 11-18-25, 1944.

girls, and for the beautiful foral offerings. The children: Harry V. Priser, Ruby Martin, Madonis Ditton. Directors SHAWLEY FUNERAL HOME 2901 S. Wash.

Phone 120 Established 1891 "The Home of Services" RAVEN FUNERAL HOME -911 S. Wash. St. Phone 1480 Sincere Service and Fair Prices Phone 1815-W MILFORD FUNERAL' SERVICE DIGGS FUNERAL SERVICE, INC 504 W. Third St.

Phone 169 IT COSTS NO MORE TO CALL US NEEDIIAM SON WVe Serve' Beyond Requirements 805 S. Adams St. Monuments and Cemetery Lots 6 LOT- -In Grant Memorial Park, best location. Will trade for city lot. Phone 276.

Personals COME TO BARNEY'S MARKET -Opposite the new Post Office to get the Battle Creek Health products, formerly sold by E. V. Barney. RUMMAGE- -Sale Saturday, Feb. 26th.

213 So. Wash. Highland Avenue P. T. A.

GET YOUR FEDERAL TAX RETURN Made out at Room 208 Washington Building, opposite Paramount. LEGAL NOTICES NOTICE TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN Notice is hereby given that. upon Tuesday, March 7, 1944. at the hour of 7:30 p. in the council chamber in the city hall.

in the city of Marion, Indiana; public hearing will be held upon the following general ordinance, to-wit: GENERAL ORDINANCE NO. 1944 An ordinance amending parts of eral ordinance No. 5 1921, as amended by general ordinance No. 1923, amended by general ordinance No. 1939, as amended by general ordinance No.

7 1939, entitlea ordinance providing for the licensing and regulation of carriers of passengers for nire." and repealing all ordinances and parts of ordinances in conflict therewith. Be it ordained by the common council city of Marion, Grant county, Indiana; that: SECTION 1. section 6: of general ordinance No. 1921. entitled "An Ordinance Providing for the Licensing and Regulation of Carriers of Passengers for Hire," amended by general ordinance No.

1923, amended br general ordinance No. 3 1939. be amended to read as follows: SECTION 6. The licensee of any vehicle required by this ordinance to be licensed shall, before cperating the same for the transportation of passengers for hire within said city, file with the city clerk proof that suoh licensee and motor vehicle so licensed is insured in some liability insurance company authorized to do business in the state of Indiana, binding such company any final Judgment that may be recovered against said 11- censee. or operator of such vehicke while operating the same.

by reason of the negligent, careless OP unlawful operation of such licensed vehicle. Buch liability insurance policy shall cover public lability for personal injuries in an Amount of not less thar. five thousand dollars for one person and not less than ten thousand dollars for one accident, and property damage in an amount not leas than one thousand $1,000.00 dollars. and shall be in full force and eftect at all times when such vehicle rs being operated for the transportation of passengers for 'hire and shall be subject to the approval of the mayor of said city of Marion, diana. SECTION 2.

That section 7 of genera' ordinance No. 5 1921. entitled "An Ordinance Providing for the Licensing and Regulation of Carriers of Passengers for amended by general ordinance No. -1923, amended by general ordinance No. 3 1939.

as amended by general ordinance No. 7 1939. be amended to read as follows: -vehicle SECTION required 1. No by tHis person operating 'to any licensed shall demand or charge Any compensation other than follows: (A) For transporting any person distance of ten (101 squares or Jess within the city limits of the of Marion, Indiana, not less por in excess of twenty. five cents.

(BI For transporting any person any distance 1p excess of ten 110) squares within the city limits of the city of Marion. Indiana, on additional sum of twenty -five 23) cents (C) For transporting any additional persons from the point of origin to the same destination within the city limits the city of Marion, Indiana, the sum of ten 110: cents per person. that where any passenger 18 embarked at any time between twelve o'clock midnight of one dev and. five m. of the same day the fare charged may be any sum not in excess of seventyfive $0.751 cents for any distance said peasenger may be transported, but prorided further, than any additional passenger from the same point of origin to the same destination shall be charged fare of not to exceed ten (10) cents.

SECTION 3. That general ordinance No. 5 1921. entitled "An Ordinance Providing for the Licensing and Regulation of Carriers of Passengers for Hire." be amended by adding new. section to be known section to read as follows: SECTION 1219.

Every person operating any vebicle required by this to be licensed shall display, at all times, In conspicuous place in said vehicle, where the same may be easily and conveniently read by occupants of the rear seat the schedule of fares charged and provided for by this ordinance. SECTION All ordinances of parts of ordinances in conflict herewith are hereby expressly repealed. SECTION 5. This ordinance shall be in full force and effect from and after its passage and approval by the mayor and publication required by law. In the matter of determination to act the above ordinance by the common council of the city v.

Marion, Indiana, notice 1s hereby given to the taxpaye.of the city of Marion, Indiana. that the proper legal officers of said municipality, of the above ordinance. at the regular meeting place, on Tuesday, Match 7. 1944: will on consider the enacting Taxpayers appearing shall have the right to be heard thereon. Dated February 17, 1944 EDWARD WERT.

Mayor. ATTEST: ELIZABETH CUSTER City Clerk. Feb. 18 and 25, 1944 NOTICE OF FINAL BETTLEMENT OF No. 7878 Notice is hereby given to the creditors, heirs and legatees of William Henry Anyder, Deceased, to appear in the Grant Cirheld at Marion, Grant County, Indiana, on the 10th day of March, 1944.

and show rause, if any. why the FINAL SETTLEMENT ACCOUNTS with the tate of said decedent should not be p- proved: and Ald heirs are notined to then and there make proof of heirship and receive their distributive shares. WITNESS. the Clerk of sala Court this 18th day of February. 1944.

A BURR SHERON Clerk of the Grant Circuit Court. E. Feb. 18, 25 and March 3, 1944. ANNOUNCEMENTS Personals FASHION FROCKS -Latest styles for women.

and 108 E. Bradford St. HEALTH SPOT Shoes for foot sufferers, again we have- most sizes in stock. BRUNT'S .3022 S. Wash.

INCOME TAX RETURNS Let your worrying. Returns promptly, and the efficiently deductions prepared allowed by law- may have a refund due you so" file NOW a. 9 p. m. 3015 S.

Washington St. Across from Berger's Drug Store WE LOAN TIRES While your tires are being factory' recapped. No certificate required. Come in and take advantage of this today. FIRESTONE 7th Wash.

2-25 Lost, Strayed or Stolen 10 LOST- -Pekingese female dog on Sherman St. Phone 4221-M. LOST -Ration Book No. 3. Reta Kay Leisure.

Phone 4113-J. LOST- -Order of Eastern Star ring near 33rd Adams. Phone 2212-WX, LOST -No. 3' Ration Book. Mary Thurman, 1022 N.

Branson. LOST- Or strayed east of Marion, bay work horse, white streak on head. F. Hartwell. Phone 1488.

LOST- License plate No. 545692. Phone Warren, Otto Detamore, reverse charges. LOST Package of pictures of Navy boy. 2679-W.

LOST Black leather wallet, contains draft card, gas ration book, etc. Reward. Phone 2229-R LOST -Large spotted sow, 1 thin black sow between Montpelier and La Fontaine. Reward. Phone 34-R Black, Fairmount.

AUTOMOBILES Automobiles for Sale 11 1941-Chevrolet special deluxe 5- passenger coupe, radio, heater, blue finish. TRIANGLE MOTORS. INC. 230 W. 2nd St.

Phone 375 CASH FOR YOUR USED CAR AMERICAN GARAGE YOUR CHRYSLER-PLYMOUTH DEALER 312 W. 2nd St. Phone 1941-Ford super deluxe fordor, radio, heater, maroon finish. TRIANGLE MOTORS. INC.

230 W. St. Phone 375 1939-Ford 85 tudor. good GRUBB MOTOR SALES 216 W. 2nd Phone 774 1940 Chevrolet 85, heater, black finish; this car is almost like new.

TRIANGLE MOTORS. INC. 230 W. 2nd St. Phone 375 '29 PAIGE-5 passenger, exceptionally good.

5 tires. Ph. 288-R. 1936 Plymouth Coach, heater, good tires, new paint; in A1 condition throughout. GI.ENN A.

SCOTT .307 E. Third St. 31 Years in Same Location 1939-Ford Tudor sedan, heater, good tires. 35,000 actual miles, mechanically good. 3702 Wash.

1939 Pontiac Sedan: beautiful green; radio, heater, seat covers. Extra clean. GLENN A. SCOTT 307 E. Third St.

31 Years in Same Location 1939 Plymouth 4-door sedan, heater. Phone 4676. 11935-Ford coach. bargain- $175. Hollingsworth.

Motor Sales. 907 S. Washington St. 1941 Studebaker Champion sedan, radio, heater, good tires, color black. Hollingsworth Motor Sales 907 S.

Washington St. 1940-Plymouth deluxe coach, A1, 5 good pre-war tires, radio Phone 2875 after 2. CASH FOR USED CARS STOKES 221 W. 2nd St. Phone 1081 1937-Studebaker sedan, 6-cylinder.

A good car. GRUBB MOTOR SALES 216 W. 2nd Phone 774 Auto Accessories. Parts 13 EXPERT. Body and Mechanical Service on All Makes Cars.

Terms. J. MATTHEWS, INC. 318 W. 3rd Buick Service-Parts-Accessories TIRES VULCANIZED All Guaranteed Seybold Archer 6th Adams VULCA and Tubes, prompt, guaranteed work.

Qual-. Gasoline Co 2915 Adama. AUTO PARTS Glass installed. SPENCER SALVAGE SERVICE 17th By- Pass Phone 4309-W COMPLETE Service body and fender repair, motors analyzed. Motor Sales.

2nd Wash. BRAKES ADJUSTED Any Make Car, $1.00 Seybold Archer 6th Adams Repairing--Service Stations 16 ALL Work on a money back guarantee. Marion Frame Axle Shop, 1007 S. Wash. St.

LET KLAUS Experts rebuild your wrecked cars. KLAUS AUTO SERVICE 305 W. 2nd St. Phone 2788 BUSINESS SERVICE Business Service Offered 18 SEWING- -Machines repaired, 502 all S. Boots.

-guaranteed. SEWING MACHINE Specialist, satisfaction or your money back. Phone 3087-J for pick-up. VACUUM CLEANER Repairs by factory expert. My work is done personally.

hire amatcurs, 2210 South Washington. FREE Pickup and Delivery. P. R. KARNES PHONE 1772 LIGHT- -Hauling, livestock, furni-.

ture, Phone 3084-J. BUSINESS SERVICE Business Service Offered HEATING, PLUMBING TINNING- CHAS. BESHORE CO. Next to Woolworth's VACUUM CLEANER REPAIRS We have an enormous stock of repair parts for ALL MAKES vacuum cleaners. For EXPERT SERVICE call 801.

8101 S. Wash. EMMONS VACUUM SERVICE HAULING Cinders and gravel for lanes. Phone 6201. Gas City.

REPAIR-All make washers, ironers, sweepers, Maytags 8 spocialty. BARNETTE APPLIANCE CO. 111 S. Wash. St.

Phone 3444 Insurance and Surety Bonds 23 Underwriters Brokers, Inc. Where Insurance Is Not Sideline Over C. H. Phone Laundering 24 WANTED Washings to do in my home. Phone 3552-1.

WANT Curtains to launder in my home. Phone 220-W. CURTAINS launder and Phone 4320-MX. Painting, Papering, Decorating 26 INTERIOR- and painting. For free estimate call 2471-J Typewriters Supplies 27A ALL MAKES-Typewriters, adding machines serviced.

Supplies, Adders, Registers. 124 E. 5th Central Typewriter Supply, EMPLOYMENT Help Wanted--Female 32 WANTED WOMAN-Middle age or past to stay with elderly lady. Phone 6008 or 2783. WOMEN-To operate laundry presses.

LONG'S CLEANERS 405 Henderson Ave. WAITRESS TILLMAN'S FINE FOODS 6th Washington STENOGRAPHERS Urgently needed by Marion War Plant. Will consider applicants with either training or experience. War Manpower Commission U. S.

EMPLOYMENT SERVICE 216 E. 4th St. Marion, Ind. WANTED Lady supervisor for boys. Phone 522.

GIRL--Or Woman for communication carrier in downtown district. Apply. WESTERN UNION WOMEN-Or girls to- learn. silk finishing. LONG'S CLEANERS 405 Henderson Ave.

Help Wanted- -Male 33 DRIVER -Experienced in local pick-up and delivery work. Snyder Transfer Co. Phone 423. MEN-To do pressing, steady employment. LONG'S CLEANERS 405 Henderson Ave.

MARRIED-Farm hand, references. Chronicle Box 412. WANTED -Truck driver for food products. Richmond Baking Co. 323 E.

4th WANTED--Track laborers, 65 York Central Railroad. Apply E. 11th and McClure Sts. Section Foreman Johnson. MAN--Experienced on wood work machine and general mill room work.

Good pay and working conditions. Essential industry. Phone 1810 after 6 p. m. SALESMAN Experience not necessary.

To call on Grocery and Institutional trade in Marion and surrounding territory. Salary and Commission. State Draft Status, Write for application form to Francis H. Leggett Company, WHOLESALE GROCERS 4855 Spring Grove Ave. Cincinnati, Ohio BOY 16 or 17 years old, full time, good pay.

CHALLENGE CO. 213 S. Adams WANTED Man to Drive GRANT COAL CO. "Phone 3023 Dependable man for responsible work in Marion; good post-war possibilities for right man. P.0.

Box, 70, Indianapolis, elp--Male and Female 34 MAN OR-Woman work on farm. Phone 4401, Gas City. John Ruley. YOUNG -Lady or young man for stenographic work in an essential industry. Accuracy and neatness more important than experience.

Position steady now as well as post-war period. Write or call. MID-WEST FOOD PACKERS Fowlerton, Indiana WANTED good salary. Apply Chef, Spencer Hotel. HAVE -Opening for reliable sales representative.

Nationally known corporation, excellent opportunity, good income, can be handled part time. Apply H. V. Bryarly, Marion Hotel, between 7 and 8 p.m. BOY -Or girl over 16 for work, no Sundays.

Adams EXPERIENCED Couple for work equipped farm. work as hand, woman to help with housework. Good pay, excellent opportunity; house furn. Phone 3520-1. Max Townsend.

FINANCIAL Business Opportunities 38 LARGE -Business room, 8-room mod. flat above. Grocery stock fixtures, meat market complete. Old established business. Priced at $5,200.

Might consider small rental. 402 N. Branson. CHIC ZZZZ Local Schools. Colleges.

43 MONDAY, FEBRUARY 28-Day, evening. or special hours, for beginning, advanced or refresher courses in all business subjects. Call, write, or 'phone. I MARION BUSINESS COLLEGE.

Chronicle Tribune from Marion, Indiana (2024)
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Name: Aron Pacocha

Birthday: 1999-08-12

Address: 3808 Moen Corner, Gorczanyport, FL 67364-2074

Phone: +393457723392

Job: Retail Consultant

Hobby: Jewelry making, Cooking, Gaming, Reading, Juggling, Cabaret, Origami

Introduction: My name is Aron Pacocha, I am a happy, tasty, innocent, proud, talented, courageous, magnificent person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.